Failing to compile onnx to hef

I’m running the following command:

hailomz compile yolov8n --ckpt /home/erez/train/runs/detect/train11/weights/best.onnx \
--hw-arch hailo8 \
--calib-path ../train/datasets/images/train \
--classes 3 --performance

And getting the following warnings and errors during the run:

[warning] Reducing optimization level to 0 (the accuracy won't be optimized and compression won't be used) because there's no available GPU
[warning] Running model optimization with zero level of optimization is not recommended for production use and might lead to suboptimal accuracy results
[warning] Reducing output bits of yolov8n/conv63 by 7.0 bits (More than half)
[error] Mapping Failed (Timeout, allocation time: 47m 29s)

I’m not using your docker to compile and run it.
I’m able to train a model with Yolo CLI and utilize the GPU.

Any advice?

Please review the full log

hailomz compile yolov8n --ckpt /home/erez/train/runs/detect/train11/weights/best.onnx \
--hw-arch hailo8 \
--calib-path ../train/datasets/images/train \
--classes 3 --performance
<Hailo Model Zoo INFO> Start run for network yolov8n ...
<Hailo Model Zoo INFO> Initializing the hailo8 runner...
[info] Translation started on ONNX model yolov8n
[info] Restored ONNX model yolov8n (completion time: 00:00:00.08)
[info] Extracted ONNXRuntime meta-data for Hailo model (completion time: 00:00:00.36)
[info] NMS structure of yolov8 (or equivalent architecture) was detected.
[info] In order to use HailoRT post-processing capabilities, these end node names should be used: /model.22/cv2.0/cv2.0.2/Conv /model.22/cv3.0/cv3.0.2/Conv /model.22/cv2.1/cv2.1.2/Conv /model.22/cv3.1/cv3.1.2/Conv /model.22/cv2.2/cv2.2.2/Conv /model.22/cv3.2/cv3.2.2/Conv.
[info] Start nodes mapped from original model: 'images': 'yolov8n/input_layer1'.
[info] End nodes mapped from original model: '/model.22/cv2.0/cv2.0.2/Conv', '/model.22/cv3.0/cv3.0.2/Conv', '/model.22/cv2.1/cv2.1.2/Conv', '/model.22/cv3.1/cv3.1.2/Conv', '/model.22/cv2.2/cv2.2.2/Conv', '/model.22/cv3.2/cv3.2.2/Conv'.
[info] Translation completed on ONNX model yolov8n (completion time: 00:00:00.99)
[info] Saved HAR to: /home/erez/hailo_model_zoo/yolov8n.har
<Hailo Model Zoo INFO> Using generic alls script found in /home/erez/hailo_model_zoo/hailo_model_zoo/cfg/alls/generic/yolov8n.alls because there is no specific hardware alls
<Hailo Model Zoo INFO> Preparing calibration data...
[info] Loading model script commands to yolov8n from /home/erez/hailo_model_zoo/hailo_model_zoo/cfg/alls/generic/yolov8n.alls
[info] Loading model script commands to yolov8n from string
[info] Starting Model Optimization
[warning] Reducing optimization level to 0 (the accuracy won't be optimized and compression won't be used) because there's no available GPU
[warning] Running model optimization with zero level of optimization is not recommended for production use and might lead to suboptimal accuracy results
[info] Model received quantization params from the hn
[info] Starting Mixed Precision
[info] Mixed Precision is done (completion time is 00:00:00.69)
[info] LayerNorm Decomposition skipped
[info] Starting Statistics Collector
[info] Using dataset with 64 entries for calibration
Calibration: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 64/64 [00:40<00:00,  1.60entries/s]
[info] Statistics Collector is done (completion time is 00:00:42.40)
[info] Starting Fix zp_comp Encoding
[info] Fix zp_comp Encoding is done (completion time is 00:00:00.00)
[info] Matmul Equalization skipped
[warning] Reducing output bits of yolov8n/conv63 by 7.0 bits (More than half)
[info] Finetune encoding skipped
[info] Bias Correction skipped
[info] Adaround skipped
[info] Quantization-Aware Fine-Tuning skipped
[info] Layer Noise Analysis skipped
[info] Model Optimization is done
[info] Saved HAR to: /home/erez/hailo_model_zoo/yolov8n.har
<Hailo Model Zoo INFO> Using generic alls script found in /home/erez/hailo_model_zoo/hailo_model_zoo/cfg/alls/generic/yolov8n.alls because there is no specific hardware alls
[info] Loading model script commands to yolov8n from /home/erez/hailo_model_zoo/hailo_model_zoo/cfg/alls/generic/yolov8n.alls
[info] ParsedPerformanceParam command, setting optimization_level(max=2)
[info] Appending model script commands to yolov8n from string
[info] ParsedPerformanceParam command, setting optimization_level(max=2)
[info] Loading network parameters
[info] Starting Hailo allocation and compilation flow
[info] Adding an output layer after conv41
[info] Adding an output layer after conv42
[info] Adding an output layer after conv52
[info] Adding an output layer after conv53
[info] Adding an output layer after conv62
[info] Adding an output layer after conv63
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=120%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=120%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%

Validating context_0 layer by layer (100%)

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 

● Finished                                       

[info] Solving the allocation (Mapping), time per context: 9m 59s
Context:0/0 Iteration 0: Trying parallel splits...   
          cluster_0  cluster_1  cluster_2  cluster_3  cluster_4  cluster_5  cluster_6  cluster_7  prepost 
 worker1  V          V          V          V          V          V          V          V          V       

Reverts on cluster mapping: 0
Reverts on inter-cluster connectivity: 0
Reverts on pre-mapping validation: 0
Reverts on split failed: 0

[info] Iterations: 4
Reverts on cluster mapping: 0
Reverts on inter-cluster connectivity: 0
Reverts on pre-mapping validation: 0
Reverts on split failed: 0
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=117.5%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=117.5%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=115%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=115%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=112.5%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=112.5%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=110%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=110%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=107.5%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=107.5%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=105%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=105%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=102.5%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=102.5%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=100%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=100%, max_compute_utilization=100%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=100%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=100%, max_apu_utilization=100%

Validating context_0 layer by layer (100%)

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
● Finishedcshortcut_conv4_to_conv5_postprocess

                                       [info] Solving the allocation (Mapping), time per context: 9m 59s
Context:0/0 Iteration 4: Trying parallel mapping...  
          cluster_0  cluster_1  cluster_2  cluster_3  cluster_4  cluster_5  cluster_6  cluster_7  prepost 
 worker0  *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          V       
 worker1  V          V          V          V          V          V          V          X          V       
 worker2  *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          V       

Reverts on cluster mapping: 0
Reverts on inter-cluster connectivity: 0
Reverts on pre-mapping validation: 0
Reverts on split failed: 0
[info] Iterations: 4
Reverts on cluster mapping: 1
Reverts on inter-cluster connectivity: 1
Reverts on pre-mapping validation: 1
Reverts on split failed: 0
[error] Mapping Failed (Timeout, allocation time: 47m 29s)
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=97.5%, max_compute_utilization=97.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=97.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=97.5%, max_apu_utilization=97.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=97.5%, max_compute_utilization=97.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=97.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=97.5%, max_apu_utilization=97.5%
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Running Auto-Merger
[info] Auto-Merger is done
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=95%, max_compute_utilization=95%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=95%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=95%, max_apu_utilization=95%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=95%, max_compute_utilization=95%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=95%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=95%, max_apu_utilization=95%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=92.5%, max_compute_utilization=92.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=92.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=92.5%, max_apu_utilization=92.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=92.5%, max_compute_utilization=92.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=92.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=92.5%, max_apu_utilization=92.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=90%, max_compute_utilization=90%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=90%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=90%, max_apu_utilization=90%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=90%, max_compute_utilization=90%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=90%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=90%, max_input_aligner_utilization=90%, max_apu_utilization=90%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=87.5%, max_compute_utilization=87.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=87.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=87.5%, max_input_aligner_utilization=87.5%, max_apu_utilization=87.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=87.5%, max_compute_utilization=87.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=87.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=87.5%, max_input_aligner_utilization=87.5%, max_apu_utilization=87.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=85%, max_compute_utilization=85%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=85%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=85%, max_input_aligner_utilization=85%, max_apu_utilization=85%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=85%, max_compute_utilization=85%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=85%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=85%, max_input_aligner_utilization=85%, max_apu_utilization=85%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=82.5%, max_compute_utilization=82.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=82.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=82.5%, max_input_aligner_utilization=82.5%, max_apu_utilization=82.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=82.5%, max_compute_utilization=82.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=82.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=82.5%, max_input_aligner_utilization=82.5%, max_apu_utilization=82.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=80%, max_compute_utilization=80%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=80%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=80%, max_input_aligner_utilization=80%, max_apu_utilization=80%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=80%, max_compute_utilization=80%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=80%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=80%, max_input_aligner_utilization=80%, max_apu_utilization=80%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=77.5%, max_compute_utilization=77.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=77.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=77.5%, max_input_aligner_utilization=77.5%, max_apu_utilization=77.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=77.5%, max_compute_utilization=77.5%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=77.5%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=77.5%, max_input_aligner_utilization=77.5%, max_apu_utilization=77.5%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=75%, max_compute_utilization=75%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=75%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=75%, max_input_aligner_utilization=75%, max_apu_utilization=75%
[info] Using Single-context flow
[info] Resources optimization guidelines: Strategy -> GREEDY Objective -> MAX_FPS
[info] Resources optimization params: max_control_utilization=75%, max_compute_utilization=75%, max_compute_16bit_utilization=75%, max_memory_utilization (weights)=75%, max_input_aligner_utilization=75%, max_apu_utilization=75%
[info] +-----------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------------+
[info] | Cluster   | Control Utilization | Compute Utilization | Memory Utilization |
[info] +-----------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------------+
[info] | cluster_0 | 100%                | 75%                 | 36.7%              |
[info] | cluster_1 | 87.5%               | 79.7%               | 36.7%              |
[info] | cluster_2 | 100%                | 76.6%               | 35.9%              |
[info] | cluster_3 | 100%                | 70.3%               | 50.8%              |
[info] | cluster_4 | 93.8%               | 57.8%               | 49.2%              |
[info] | cluster_5 | 100%                | 73.4%               | 37.5%              |
[info] | cluster_6 | 100%                | 95.3%               | 28.1%              |
[info] | cluster_7 | 100%                | 82.8%               | 25.8%              |
[info] +-----------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------------+
[info] | Total     | 97.7%               | 76.4%               | 37.6%              |
[info] +-----------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------------+
[info] Successful Mapping (allocation time: 17s)
[info] Compiling context_0...
[info] Bandwidth of model inputs: 9.375 Mbps, outputs: 4.29382 Mbps (for a single frame)
[info] Bandwidth of DDR buffers: 0.0 Mbps (for a single frame)
[info] Bandwidth of inter context tensors: 0.0 Mbps (for a single frame)
[info] Building HEF...
[info] Successful Compilation (compilation time: 6s)
[info] Saved HAR to: /home/erez/hailo_model_zoo/yolov8n.har
<Hailo Model Zoo INFO> HEF file written to yolov8n.hef```

Any advice?
I’m wondering what is the issue

Can you assist please?

Hi @Erez,

I see that you used the --performance parameter when running the hailomz compile command. This means that the compilation will be run in “performance mode” , so the compiler will run an exhaustive search to find the solution that guarantees the highest throughput.
In more details, the compiler will set different resources utilization levels and will try to allocate the model many times, and then it will select the best solution. For some of these utilization levels, it may happen that the compilation fails, and the compiler moves to the next iteration.
I see from your log that you got a yolov8n.hef at the end of the process, which means that the compilation was successful.

As a side note, I suggest you run compilation with performance mode only when you really need to optimize the model’s performance, it is generally not needed in earlier phase of development (as it takes much more time than the standard compilation).

Thanks for the reply.

What is the reason for the 2 first warnings?
How can I solve it?

And I’m in the process that I need to compile the most robust hef file… What are the next steps that I should do?