YOLOv10 Compiled is not Quantized?

Hey everyone,

I downloaded the quantized YOLO 10 (S and B) but it won’t run on my Hailo-8 with Raspberry Pi5 8GB. Could you confirm that the model is not yet quantized or point out how I can find out what the problem is here (see errors in the image below)?

Thanks in advance!

Just tried it now, and it ran ok:

Maybe it’s a wronf format HEF (Hailo-8 vs. Hailo-8L)?

That is interesting because the HAT is 8 and I was able to run the YOLO 8L. Could you enlighten me which package is different when using YOLO with Hailo-8 and Hailo-8l? Thanks!

So, the 8L is subset for 8. Everything that can run, or was compiled for the 8L should be able to run on the 8. If this is the case, it’s interesting and we would need to digg into it to understand what was the problem. Aside from the Hailo-8 product family, we have other families as well Hailo-15, and there the HEF would be completely non-compatible.