Quantized model is giving wrong output while running on the Hailo-8L chip

I am trying to run a model on a Raspberry Pi 5 with the Hailo-8L chip. I have quantized and compiled a model successfully. I am getting correct output on my desktop when I use ClinetRunner from the Hailo SDK. However, on the Raspberry Pi, I am getting completely different output. Below is the program that I am using for testing inference on the Raspberry Pi 5. It is a modified version of vstreams_example.cpp in the hailort GitHub repo. Why am I getting a different output.? Am I doing something wrong here?

#include <hailo/hailort.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <hailo/hailort.hpp>

#define MEAN_R 0.485
#define MEAN_G 0.456
#define MEAN_B 0.406

#define SD_R 0.229
#define SD_G 0.224
#define SD_B 0.225

#define HEF_FILE ("new_model.hef")
constexpr size_t FRAMES_COUNT = 1;
constexpr size_t MAX_LAYER_EDGES = 16;

using namespace hailort;
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

float *preprocess(cv::Mat const&mat) {
    assert(mat.channels() == 3);

    int w = mat.cols;
    int h = mat.rows;
    int c = mat.channels();

    float mu, sigma;
    float *buffer = new float[w * h * c];

    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
	    float b = (float)*(mat.ptr(y) + x * c + 0);
	    float g = (float)*(mat.ptr(y) + x * c + 1);
	    float r = (float)*(mat.ptr(y) + x * c + 2);

	    b /= 255.0;
	    g /= 255.0;
	    r /= 255.0;
	    b = (b - MEAN_B) / SD_B;
	    g = (g - MEAN_G) / SD_G;
	    r = (r - MEAN_R) / SD_R;

            buffer[y * w * c + x * c + 0] = r;
            buffer[y * w * c + x * c + 1] = g;
            buffer[y * w * c + x * c + 2] = b;
    return buffer;

Expected<std::shared_ptr<ConfiguredNetworkGroup>> configure_network_group(VDevice &vdevice)
    auto hef = Hef::create(HEF_FILE);
    if (!hef) {
        return make_unexpected(hef.status());

    auto configure_params = vdevice.create_configure_params(hef.value());
    if (!configure_params) {
        return make_unexpected(configure_params.status());

    auto network_groups = vdevice.configure(hef.value(), configure_params.value());
    if (!network_groups) {
        return make_unexpected(network_groups.status());

    if (1 != network_groups->size()) {
        std::cerr << "Invalid amount of network groups" << std::endl;
        return make_unexpected(HAILO_INTERNAL_FAILURE);

    return std::move(network_groups->at(0));

void write_all(InputVStream &input, hailo_status &status)
    Mat image = imread("BL1575_6.8-FoV-34-crop-0-class-5.png");
    if (image.empty()) {
        cout << "Could not read image: " << endl;
	return ;
    float *img_data = preprocess(image);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < FRAMES_COUNT; i++) {
        status = input.write(MemoryView(img_data, input.get_frame_size()));
        if (HAILO_SUCCESS != status) {

    // Flushing is not mandatory here
    status = input.flush();
    if (HAILO_SUCCESS != status) {
        std::cerr << "Failed flushing input vstream" << std::endl;

    status = HAILO_SUCCESS;

void read_all(OutputVStream &output, hailo_status &status)
    std::vector<uint8_t> data(output.get_frame_size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < FRAMES_COUNT; i++) {
        status = output.read(MemoryView(data.data(), data.size()));
        if (HAILO_SUCCESS != status) {
    status = HAILO_SUCCESS;
    float *out_data = (float*) data.data();

    for (int i = 0; i < data.size() / sizeof(float); i++)
	cout << out_data[i] << "  ";
    cout << endl;

hailo_status infer(std::vector<InputVStream> &input_streams, std::vector<OutputVStream> &output_streams)

    hailo_status status = HAILO_SUCCESS; // Success oriented
    hailo_status input_status[MAX_LAYER_EDGES] = {HAILO_UNINITIALIZED};
    hailo_status output_status[MAX_LAYER_EDGES] = {HAILO_UNINITIALIZED};
    std::unique_ptr<std::thread> input_threads[MAX_LAYER_EDGES];
    std::unique_ptr<std::thread> output_threads[MAX_LAYER_EDGES];
    size_t input_thread_index = 0;
    size_t output_thread_index = 0;

    // Create read threads
    for (output_thread_index = 0 ; output_thread_index < output_streams.size(); output_thread_index++) {
        output_threads[output_thread_index] = std::make_unique<std::thread>(read_all,
            std::ref(output_streams[output_thread_index]), std::ref(output_status[output_thread_index]));

    // Create write threads
    for (input_thread_index = 0 ; input_thread_index < input_streams.size(); input_thread_index++) {
        input_threads[input_thread_index] = std::make_unique<std::thread>(write_all,
            std::ref(input_streams[input_thread_index]), std::ref(input_status[input_thread_index]));

    // Join write threads
    for (size_t i = 0; i < input_thread_index; i++) {
        if (HAILO_SUCCESS != input_status[i]) {
            status = input_status[i];

    // Join read threads
    for (size_t i = 0; i < output_thread_index; i++) {
        if (HAILO_SUCCESS != output_status[i]) {
            status = output_status[i];

    if (HAILO_SUCCESS == status) {
        std::cout << "Inference finished successfully" << std::endl;

    return status;

int main()
    auto vdevice = VDevice::create();
    if (!vdevice) {
        std::cerr << "Failed create vdevice, status = " << vdevice.status() << std::endl;
        return vdevice.status();

    auto network_group = configure_network_group(*vdevice.value());
    if (!network_group) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to configure network group " << HEF_FILE << std::endl;
        return network_group.status();

    // Set input format type to auto - libhailort will not scale the data before writing to the HW
    auto input_vstream_params = network_group.value()->make_input_vstream_params({}, HAILO_FORMAT_TYPE_FLOAT32, HAILO_DEFAULT_VSTREAM_TIMEOUT_MS,
    if (!input_vstream_params) {
        std::cerr << "Failed creating input vstreams params " << input_vstream_params.status() << std::endl;
        return input_vstream_params.status();

    /* The input format order in the example HEF is NHWC in the user-side (may be seen using 'hailortcli parse-hef <HEF_PATH>).
       Here we override the user-side format order to be NCHW */

    auto input_vstreams = VStreamsBuilder::create_input_vstreams(*network_group.value(), *input_vstream_params);
    if (!input_vstreams) {
        std::cerr << "Failed creating input vstreams " << input_vstreams.status() << std::endl;
        return input_vstreams.status();

    // Set output format type to float32 - libhailort will de-quantize the data after reading from the HW
    // Note: this process might affect the overall performance
    auto output_vstream_params = network_group.value()->make_output_vstream_params({}, HAILO_FORMAT_TYPE_FLOAT32, HAILO_DEFAULT_VSTREAM_TIMEOUT_MS,
    if (!output_vstream_params) {
        std::cerr << "Failed creating output vstreams params " << output_vstream_params.status() << std::endl;
        return output_vstream_params.status();
    auto output_vstreams = VStreamsBuilder::create_output_vstreams(*network_group.value(), *output_vstream_params);
    if (!output_vstreams) {
        std::cerr << "Failed creating output vstreams " << output_vstreams.status() << std::endl;
        return output_vstreams.status();

    if (input_vstreams->size() > MAX_LAYER_EDGES || output_vstreams->size() > MAX_LAYER_EDGES) {
        std::cerr << "Trying to infer network with too many input/output virtual streams, Maximum amount is " <<
        MAX_LAYER_EDGES << " (either change HEF or change the definition of MAX_LAYER_EDGES)"<< std::endl;

    auto status = infer(*input_vstreams, *output_vstreams);
    if (HAILO_SUCCESS != status) {
        std::cerr << "Inference failed "  << status << std::endl;
        return status;

    return HAILO_SUCCESS;

Hey @dilnavas.roshan,

Welcome to the Hailo community!

Could you please provide more details about the “different output” you’re referring to?

Please share any relevant details, such as the task you’re trying to perform, the expected output, and the actual output you’re seeing. The more context you can provide, the better I can assist you.


I’ve trained ShuffleNet_v2_x0_5 from TorchVision on a dataset containing 6 classes. I want to run this model on a Raspberry Pi 5 with Hailo 8L accelerator. After optimizing the model with Hailo SDK, I tried to run it with the ClientRunner API on the host and I am getting the following output:

 1.6644211  -4.7646284  -3.4778373  -1.0725398   0.30712122  7.216918

The above output is okay as I am getting almost the same output on my desktop and Nvidia Jetson.

However, on the device, for the same input, I’m getting a completely different output. Following is the output from the device:

4.12424  -3.61327  3.90525  -2.44534  0.62046  -1.6424 

I need to know what I am doing wrong here. Can you please go through the code? It would be very helpful if you could help men on this issue.

I am doing normalization on CPU, which you can see from the code.

I would suggest to put the normalization on the Hailo device. It’s much better to pass UINT8 than FLOAT to the device.
You can add a normalization layer to the device using a list of mean/std, like this:
normalization1 = normalization([123.675, 116.28, 103.53], [58.395, 57.12, 57.375])
The first triplet is the mean, the second is the std. You need to put this in the alls file fed in/before the optimization phase.

You can check the full details on this chapter in the DFC:

4.3.1. Quick Optimization Tutorial

I know it is possible to do normalization on the device. I have even tried that. That is not my problem. My problem is why I am getting a different output from the Hailo device. In the example, which I have shared, I am using the virtual stream API. According to the documentation, It does quantize my input into UINT8 before writing to the device. I have also tried the raw stream API with explicit transformation to UINT8 using the ‘InputTransformContext’ before writing data to the device, but it is also giving the same strange output.

You’re right, it’s not a must, but a good debug step. Passing UINT8 is easier to deal thqn passing FLOAT tensor.