How to run custom model(Yolov8) in hailo8l(raspberrypi5+hailo8l)

Hello, I’m new to this, so I’d like to ask a few questions. I have a special dataset that I trained with YoloV8. How can I integrate the weight file into raspberrypi 5 hailo8l (raspberrypi ai kit)? Can you help me with the process order (Summary: How can I run the specially trained file with hilo8l)

Hey @edanaz.abdullahoglu,

Welcome to the Hailo community!

To run a custom model like YOLOv8, you’ll need to compile it using our Data Flow Compiler (DFC). I’m excited to share that the DFC will be released to the public soon. Along with the release, we’ll be publishing comprehensive guides on how to use it effectively.

Stay tuned for these upcoming resources. We’re looking forward to seeing what you’ll create with Hailo technology!

Hope this answers your question. Let us know if you need any further information!


Is there any other way, i have to deploy a custom yolov8 model on a bot and i am using raspberrypi5 + hailo8l. Please help me out its urgent.

I was able to convert my custom YOLOv8 model to ONNX and then to HEF using the model zoo.

Register on Hailos website and download the AI software suite for Linux.

Convert your model to ONNX using the ultralytics library.

Start up a Ubuntu AWS ec2 server on a instance type that has sufficent RAM (32 gb) and install the wheel on there. Upload your ONNX file to the server.

Enter the virtual environment per Hailo’s instructions and use the hailomz command to convert your model to HEF.

Thats obviously a condensed version of the steps but should put you on the right track and all of this information is available on this website and github

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I followed up to that point, but I don’t know how to write the code for the HEF model and use the Hailo to accelerate the detection. I need to draw bounding boxes and access detection data as I’m writing the logic for the robot to react according to the detection. If you could help me out, it would mean a lot and be very helpful.

Do you have more detail working flow or documents?
We have the same question.

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To see examples of running the model you can check the examples in here : GitHub - hailo-ai/Hailo-Application-Code-Examples

Keep in mind the python API is not yet supported on RPI and will be released soon.
The C++ examples work.

As for the DFC and Model Zoo usage , We will release a guide today here in the community on how to use them .
But please make sure to read the guideline of the DFC in :

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