Running into Error when enabling PCIe Gen 3 mode on RaspPi 5

I seem to have an issue when enabling PCIe 3. When I try to boot up after changing the setting, I just get strange numbers counting upwards forever. In order to boot, I have to take out the SD card and change the config.txt again.

Does anyone have any idea why that may be?


Correction, apparently I was too impatient. After a couple of minutes, the system will boot up as normal. The logs indicate, that the boot process encounters multiple EXT4 filesystem errors. I don’t think it’s the SD card though. I did some checks and they came up empty. I still ordered a new one though, just to be sure.

I have tried two different power supplies with the same result, so again, I’m not sure if that’s it. I’ll try a third method using a GPIO power connection instead of the USB-C one, maybe I get around to setting this up tomorrow. But somehow I don’t think that will do the trick either.

One more update: Turns out it wasn’t the PCIe Gen 3 setting itself.
I played around with the config.txt file a bit and I identified ‘auto_initramfs=1’ as the culprit. For some reason, this only became a problem once I set ‘dtparam=pciex1_gen=3’ did the error occur. (And it did so more than once).

TBH, I’m not even sure what exactly the initramfs do or how that could lead to EXT4 filesystem errors. I’ll have to look into this, I guess.

So it looks like it may have been the SD card after all. I put in the new one and this time, there was no error. Really strange. But at least I can continue now.