Retrain YOLOv5 on a custom dataset

This guide will walk through how to retrain YOLOv5 on a custom dataset, in particular a subset of coco-2017 that contains only “person”, “car” and “bicycle” classes. For best practices with different datasets refer to:

Tips for Best Training Results

Downloading a subset of COCO 2017


  • pycotools
pip install git+
  • fiftyone
pip install fiftyone

Download the subset of COCO 2017 with “person”, “car” and “bicycle” classes

import fiftyone.zoo as foz
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset(
splits=[“train”, “validation”, “test”],
classes=[“person”, “car”, “bicycle”],

Note that this will result in a dataset with annotations that contains at least one of the desired classes, but that may also have undesired ones. Therefore, extra processing of the dataset is required to get rid of these extra labels.

Preparing Dataset for YOLOv5

The dataset must be pre-processed to fit yolov5 requirements.

YOLOv5 dataset format

There should be two folders:

  • Labels: one file named labels containing all categories and one .txt file per image containing one row per object. Each row must have the format: label x_center y_center width
  • Images: all image files.


The dataset can be formatted either automatically with Roboflow, or manually. I chose to do it manually because the dataset needed further cleaning of the annotations.


Follow steps from Train Custom Data


The coco 2017 dataset annotations contain the following format for the bounding box annotation: top left x position, top left y position, width, height

The following functions perform the conversion to yolov5’s bbox format, create a a label file containing all categories and create a .txt file for each image. Each txt file contains a row for each of the image’s annotation, as in the format description.

import os
import json
import shutil
from tqdm import tqdm

def convert_bbox_coco2yolo(img_width, img_height, bbox):
    Convert bounding box from COCO  format to YOLO format

    img_width : int
        width of image
    img_height : int
        height of image
    bbox : list[int]
        bounding box annotation in COCO format: 
        [top left x position, top left y position, width, height]

        bounding box annotation in YOLO format: 
        [x_center_rel, y_center_rel, width_rel, height_rel]
    # YOLO bounding box format: [x_center, y_center, width, height]
    # (float values relative to width and height of image)
    x_tl, y_tl, w, h = bbox

    dw = 1.0 / img_width
    dh = 1.0 / img_height

    x_center = x_tl + w / 2.0
    y_center = y_tl + h / 2.0

    x = x_center * dw
    y = y_center * dh
    w = w * dw
    h = h * dh

    return [x, y, w, h]
def convert_coco_json_to_yolo_txt(output_path, json_file):
    if os.path.exists(output_path):
    path = os.makedirs(output_path)

    with open(json_file) as f:
        json_data = json.load(f)

    label_file = os.path.join(output_path, "labels")
    categories_list = ["person", "car", "bicycle"]
    with open(label_file, "w") as f:
        for category in tqdm(categories_list, desc="Categories"):

    for image in tqdm(json_data["images"], desc="Annotation txt for each image"):
        img_id = image["id"]
        img_name = image["file_name"]
        img_width = image["width"]
        img_height = image["height"]

        anno_in_image = [anno for anno in json_data["annotations"] if anno["image_id"] == img_id]
        anno_txt = os.path.join(output_path, img_name.split(".")[0] + ".txt")
        with open(anno_txt, "w") as f:
            for anno in anno_in_image:
                cur_cat = anno["category_id"]
                cat_dict = {1:0, 2:1, 3:2}   # creates a dict for the classes 
                if cur_cat in [1,2,3]:       # only keep relevant labels
                    bbox_COCO = anno["bbox"]
                    x, y, w, h = convert_bbox_coco2yolo(img_width, img_height, bbox_COCO)
                    f.write(f"{cat_dict[cur_cat]} {x:.6f} {y:.6f} {w:.6f} {h:.6f}\n")

    print("Converting COCO Json to YOLO txt finished!")
convert_coco_json_to_yolo_txt("train_labels_output", "/local/path/fiftyone/coco-2017/train/labels.json")

Environment Preparation


git clone
  1. Build the docker image:
cd hailo_model_zoo/training/yolov5
docker build --build-arg timezone=`cat /etc/timezone` -t yolov5:v0 .
  • This command will build the docker image with the necessary requirements using the Dockerfile in the yolov5 directory.
  1. Start your docker:

docker run -it --ipc=host -v /path/to/local/drive:/path/to/docker/dir yolov5:v0 --name container_name

  • If there is GPU available for use, use the flag --gpus all to assign all available gpus to the docker container. To assign a specific GPU to the docker container (in case of multiple GPUs available in your machine) use --gpus device=device_number
  • /path/to/local/drive: path to a folder you might want access through the docker, for instance, the datasets folder.
  • /path/to/docker/dir: where the new folder in the docker will be located, it can be for example /workspace/datasets/

After exiting the container you can re-start it and attach with:

docker start -ai container_name
  • To list all containers:
docker ps -a

Folders Organization

For this example we have organized the folders in the following way:

Editing yaml files

Model YAML

cd /workspace/yolov5/models
vim yolov5.yaml
  • Change the number of classes (nc) to the new value:

Note that even though the dataset has 3 classes, the number of classes is 4 to include background.

Dataset YAML

Create a copy of the coco128 yaml, edit the copy by changing the number of classes, class names, and dataset paths.

cd /workspace/yolov5/data
cp coco128.yaml dataset.yaml
vim dataset.yaml


From inside /workspace/yolov5/:

python --img 640 --batch 16 --epochs 300 --data dataset.yaml --weights --cfg models/yolov5s.yaml
  • –img: COCO trains at the native resolution of --img 640. If there are many small objects then custom datasets will benefit from training at native or higher resolution.
  • –batch: use the largest amount the hardware allows for.
  • –epochs: make sure that the number is below the overfitting threshold.
  • –data: the name of the created dataset yaml file.
  • –weights:
    • - pretrained weights. You can find the pretrained weights for yolov5s, yolov5m, yolov5l, yolov5x in your working directory.
    • '' - without pretrained weights, recommended for large datasets.

You can find the training results in /workspace/yolov5/runs/expn/, where n is the number of the last training run.

Exporting to ONNX

In the folder /workspace/yolov5/runs/ it is possible to see the data related to all training runs

Export at 640x640 with batch size 16:

python models/ --weights /path/to/trained/ --img 640 --batch 16
  • –weights: you can find it in /workspace/yolov5/runs/expn/weights, it’s better to use

The resulting best.onnx file will be located in /yolov5/runs/expn/weights.

Compiling with Hailo Model Zoo


  • A working model zoo environment. If not yet setup, run from inside of the hailo_model_zoo folder:
pip install -e .

Configuration yaml creation

cd /hailo_model_zoo/cfg/networks
cp yolov5s.yaml yolov5s_3classes.yaml
vim yolov5s_3classes.yaml

Add the following lines to the file:


Hailo Model Zoo will go through all the required stages to compile the model.

hailomz --ckpt yolov5s.onnx --calib-path /path/to/calibset --yaml yolov5s.yaml
  • –ckpt: the onnx file resulting from the exporting stage.
  • –calib-path: a small set of images
  • –yaml: path to the yaml that was created on the previous section

The resulting hef file will be saved as yolov5s.hef inside the hailo_model_zoo folder.

Sources for this post:

How can I download a specific part of Coco Dataset?

Annotation Conversion: COCO JSON to YOLO Txt | Haobin Tan


is it correctly run the hef file without any error

I am using a Hailo8l on a Raspberry PI 5.
I followed the steps mentioned above, except I trained the model on Google Colab and exported it as ONNX.

I tried running the following command in the /cfg/networks folder after making changes to the yaml file:
hailomz compile --ckpt ~/Documents/hailo/modifiedyolov5s.onnx --calib-path ~/Documents/hailo/calib/ --yaml modifiedyolov5s.yaml --hw-arch hailo8l

and got the following error:
hailo_sdk_client.model_translator.exceptions.MisspellNodeError: Unable to find end node names: [‘Conv_234’, ‘Conv_218’, ‘Conv_202’], please verify and try again.

Prior to this, I was able to successfully obtain a hef file by running the following:
hailo parser onnx modifiedyolov5s.onnx --hw-arch hailo8l
hailo optimize modifiedyolov5s.har --hw-arch hailo8l --use-random-calib-set
hailo compiler modifiedyolov5s_optimized.har --hw-arch hailo8l
However when I run this on the RPI5, it was not able to detect anything at all. I tried providing a calibration folder (for the hailo optimize command) but was faced with the follow:
sample_file = next(iter(glob.iglob(glob_path)))

Thanks in advance!

Hi @limzhiyong2002,

Could you please open a new topic for your question? This will help keep this one clean for questions related to the training itself.

Hi @nina-vilela,

What do you mean by “Therefore, extra processing of the dataset is required to get rid of these extra labels.”. Does it means that you manually need to check the images to remove those with the labels that dont interest you ? Or remove in each .txt files the lines with label that dont interest you ?

Moreover, why did you made this tutorial on YoloV5 and not Yolov8 as it has better performance. Is it harder to retrain on yolov8 ?

Thanks for your help

The Python code that I attached already does that - it converts the bounding box annotations to COCO format and gets rid of any unnecessary ones.

I wrote this a while ago, yolov8 had still not been released. The process should be very similar for yolov8.

1 Like

Thanks you,

can this be done on a PC running on windows or not ? because i saw this tutorial :hailo_model_zoo/training/yolov8/README.rst at master · hailo-ai/hailo_model_zoo · GitHub very similar to yours and this one also : hailo-rpi5-examples/doc/ at main · hailo-ai/hailo-rpi5-examples · GitHub

Both mention using Linux but not Windows

The ModelZoo is supported on Windows under WSL2.

There’s another option which I haven’t seen anyone trying, but that should work - cloning Hailo’s forked version of ultralytics and going through the installation yourself:

1 Like

Thanks you,

If I follow your tutorial, do you think it would be possible to run the training session on an allocated server with a powerful GPU? (I have never done it before tho.)
Would it then be possible to follow your tutorial on a Raspberry Pi via this server or from a Windows computer?