PCIe max_desc_page_size issue

once running 'hailortcli run test.hef" I get following warning message:
[HailoRT] [warning] Requested desc page size (512) is bigger than max on this host (256).

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Some hosts doesn’t support certain PCIe descriptor page size.
in order to over come this issue you can do one of the following:

  1. remove the module and the install it back with force_desc_page_size=256
modprobe -r hailo_pci modprobe hailo_pci force_desc_page_size=256
  1. add the below under /etc/modprobe.d/hailo_pci.conf:
options hailo_pci force_desc_page_size=256
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Similar error can also be seen while trying to inference using pyhailoRT:
[HailoRT] [error] CHECK_AS_EXPECTED failed - max_desc_page_size given 16384 is bigger than hw max desc page size 4096"

In this case the solution is the same as mentioned in the previous post, just set the max_desc_page_size to the relevant size mentioned in the error (e.g. 4096)

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Hi @yanivb,

I am experiencing this error message when I run the object_detection example from Hailo-Application-Code-Examples. Note, I have already upgraded to HailoRT4.18 following the instructions here, so I would expect to be able to run this example.

I tried following the instructions here, but the /etc/modprobe.d/hailo_pci.conf config file does not exist on my machine. Moreover, I tried to install it using modprobe, but I got this error:

modprobe: FATAL: Module modprobe not found.

Any suggestions to get this working?

Creating a hailo_pci.conf with the above contents and running the example agin results in the following error message:

[HailoRT] [error] Can’t find hailo pcie class, this may happen if the driver is not installed (this may happen if the kernel was updated), or if there is no connected Hailo board
[HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_PCIE_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED(64) - Failed listing pcie devices

Please try to reinstall hailo pci driver. It might get outdated if you’re kernel is updated.

So here is what i shoud do…

  1. remove the hailo module
  2. run the modprobe command
  3. put the hailo module back in
  4. run the second command

Am I correct ?? or Did I misinterpret something ??

Same here. I am runninh hailo-rpi5-examples. I removed the module and ran the modprobe command and I got the same error.

Can anyone please provide a viable option ??


I assume you refer to the original post in which you get a similar message to:
“[HailoRT] [warning] Requested desc page size (512) is bigger than max on this host (256).”

in this cases you need to do only one of the following 2 options:

  1. remove the hailo_pci s\w module (not physically the H8 h\w m.2 module itself) and the install back the hailo_pci s\w module with force_desc_page_size=256
modprobe -r hailo_pci modprobe hailo_pci force_desc_page_size=256
  1. add the below under /etc/modprobe.d/hailo_pci.conf:
options hailo_pci force_desc_page_size=256

I removed the hailo module from that m.2 pcie slot. Can you please clarify how I can remove the software module ??

I would appreciate it very much if you give me the commands to remove software module and then the next commands as well … but crystal clear.

Thank you

there is no need to remove the physical module from the m.2 pcie slot, if you did so, you are welcome to place it back in (just make sure it is not done while the system is powered up).

The command to remove the software module is:

modprobe -r hailo_pci

the command to install back the module with an updated orce_desc_page_size is:

modprobe hailo_pci force_desc_page_size=256

I hope it answered your question.

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Yeah @yanivb

You have adequately answered my queries. I did ran the commands you gave and I added one command after that which is

echo "options hailo_pci force_desc_page_size=256" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/hailo_pci.conf

After running these commands, I have successfully ran the object detection and pose estimation python files.

Thank you for the assistance. I really appreciate it.


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