How to get temperature of Hailo8L device

Hi, i use hailo8L with orangepi5, Os Ubuntu 22.04 hailort version 4.17.0, unfortunately i can’t find work way to get temperature of chip, may be someone know how i can do this?

Welcome to the Hailo Community!

When you use the HailoRT CLI some commands allow you to measure the temperature e.g.,

hailortcli run model.hef --measure-temp

In your own code you can use the HailoRT APIs. Have a look at the HailoRT User guide. You can download that from the Developer Zone. Look for


You can use the following Python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import time
import argparse as ap
from hailo_platform import PcieDevice
from hailo_platform import PowerMeasurementTypes, DvmTypes, MeasurementBufferIndex
from hailo_platform.pyhailort.control_object import PcieHcpControl

device_infos = PcieDevice.scan_devices()
targets = [PcieDevice(device_info=di) for di in device_infos]
temps_t = [PcieHcpControl(device_info=di) for di in device_infos]

def _run_periodic(filename, delay):
    for i, target in enumerate(targets):
        target.control.set_power_measurement(MeasurementBufferIndex.MEASUREMENT_BUFFER_INDEX_0, DvmTypes.AUTO, PowerMeasurementTypes.POWER)
        with open(filename, 'w') as FH:
            while True:
                for i, target in enumerate(targets):
                    power = target.control.get_power_measurement(MeasurementBufferIndex.MEASUREMENT_BUFFER_INDEX_0, should_clear=True).average_value
                    temp = temps_t[i].get_chip_temperature().ts0_temperature
                    print('[{}:{}] {:.3f}W {:.3f}C'.format(device_infos[i].bus,device_infos[i].device, power, temp), end='\r')
                    FH.write('[{}:{}] {:.3f}W {:.3f}C\n'.format(device_infos[i].bus,device_infos[i].device, power, temp))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('-I- Received keyboard intterupt, exiting')

    for i, target in enumerate(targets):

def _run_single(filename):
        with open(filename, 'w') as FH:
            while True:
                for i, target in enumerate(targets):
                    current = target.control.power_measurement(DvmTypes.AUTO, PowerMeasurementTypes.POWER)
                    temp = temps_t[i].get_chip_temperature().ts0_temperature
                    print('[{}:{}] {:.3f}W {:.3f}C'.format(device_infos[i].bus_id,device_infos[i].dev_id, current, temp), end='\r')
                    FH.write('[{}:{}] {:.3f}W {:.3f}C\n'.format(device_infos[i].bus_id,device_infos[i].dev_id, current, temp))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('-I- Received keyboard intterupt, exiting')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ap.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--mode', help='Choose the measurement mode [periodic|single]', type=str, default='periodic')
    parser.add_argument('--delay', help='Choose the measurement delay for the periodic mode', type=int, default='1')
    parser.add_argument('--out', help='Output file', type=str, default='current_temp_readouts.txt')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.mode == 'periodic':
        _run_periodic(args.out, args.delay)