First make sure you install the GPU driver and nvidia-docker2 support. See Hailo AI SW Suite User Guide for detailed instructions.
Second you can check the file. There is a function that checks for GPU support. You can run the commands used in there manually in a terminal and see what output you get.
The first one is weird because nvidia-smi shows your GPU. Run the lspci command without the grep command and see what string is shown for the GPU.
The second indicates you did not install NVIDIA docker support. Make sure you install nvidia-docker2 support. See Hailo AI SW Suite User Guide for detailed instructions.
We do support the Hailo Dataflow Compiler under WSL2. However this was mainly developed to support some partner frameworks to use the Hailo Dataflow Compiler under the hood on Windows systems.
We do not support/validate the Hailo AI Software Suite Docker under Windows.
If you must use the DFC under Windows install it directly using the instructions in the Hailo Dataflow Compiler User Guide.
I recommend to use the Hailo AI Software Suite Docker on Ubuntu directly. This provides the easiest installation and upgrade.
I haven’t had success with these instructions unfortunately. I am also trying to use my NVidia GPU on WSL. I have tried both using the docker, and the extractable SW suite that I installed in a virtualenv. In the virtualenv, I run nvidia-smi and can see that the GPU is present & recognized, but when I run hailo/hailomz it gives me a message about no GPU being available. Is there any further guidance?
Thanks for the reply. I was able to successfully install DFC in my Ubuntu WSL2 instance, but DFC refuses to recognize the existence of my GPU. I can run nvidia-smi in the WSL2 instance and confirm the Ubuntu sees the GPU, but I just can’t get DFC to do the same. I would love some more pointers, thank you!
I would like to wake this thread up again. I have to say that I am very disappointed with the state of the Hailo DFC and Software Tooklit. I have foubd it impossible to get the non-Docker installations running, eirther under WSL or directly on Ubuntu (generally, the issues seem to be due to Pip incompatibilities). But that is not the focus of this post as I have now moved to Docker under Ubuntu 24.04.2 and I am seeing same GPU issues that were reported earlier in this thread and still remain unresolved after 3 months.
Installing nvidia-docker2 does not work with the current instructions. I guess that Nvidia have changed something in their Github repo. The command:
Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).
# Unsupported distribution!
# Check
So even though my GPU is detected with nvidia-smi at version 550.120 it is not appearing within the container.
I have been trying to do something that should be fundamental - convert an ONNX file to HEF - for over two weeks now with no success and am getting frustrated. The folks at Hailo should really try to look at the state of the DFC documentation and bring it up to date ASAP. Without the ability to train custom models, the Hailo board for the RPi is little more than a toy.
I’m really sorry you’re running into this frustration. I completely understand how frustrating it can be when things don’t work as expected.
The Hailo AI Software Suite is officially supported on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04, as outlined in the User Guide. If you’re using a different OS version, you may encounter compatibility issues.
We plan to support Ubuntu 24 and deprecate support for Ubuntu 20 in one of the next versions.
Okay, I can confirm that with Ubuntu 22.04 I can now use nvidia-docker2 and I can see the GPU inside the Docker container. For others arriving here it is worth noting that:
The sudo apt-key command still gives a deprecation warning but the rest of the commands go through successfully.
The documentation says to use Docker 20.10.6 but this is no longer available in thwe archine. I used 20.10.13.
The docs say to use GPU driver 525 but the one I found was 535 and this seems to work okay.