Yolo full model convertion

Dear Community and Hailo Developers

I creating this topic in regard to get a proper model convertion using dfc method because i found in hailo tutorial there is a simpll network graph resnet where it quite to difficult to follow up with yolo network architecture. Can you guys provide a proper tutorial on each step of pre processing data, data optimizatuion, post processing. This is said because there are some yolo model such as obb model where not integrated in the docker suite. So training an unknown/scratch model will be difficult for developer since all of it are sdk and alls configuration. so providing code to convert onnx → .har → .hef and infering it will be helpful for the community.

Please use the search function in the top right corner and look for posts about converting YOLO models, for instance this one?

Parsing YOLO models with the Hailo Dataflow Compiler

The AI world is moving at a fast pace and new models are published constantly. Our team is adding new models with every version of our tools.

If you want to use the latest and greatest models on Hailo without waiting for our engineers to add them to the Model Zoo you will need to learn how to convert unknown models. If you run into any issue please open a post, let us know what you have done and tried, ask specific questions and we will help you.