Hey I want to build my own custom postprocessing .so

I saw that raspberry pi examples uses .so files to postprocess the hailo outputs. from this dir on pi (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/hailo/tappas/post_processes). I have my own custom trained
yolov8_pose model. But i can not use the default yolov8_pose post processing because of the different keypoints length. So I want build my own by changing the values.
This is what i need to update and rebuild

This Line I need to change - [ 17(human keypoints) → my customkeypoints]

But how can install required dependencies? What steps do I need to follow?
I have a little knowledge of C++. So I think I can do that If someone can provide a guide.

I have setup the tappas but not able to continue meson compile.
meson build working but not compiling due to hailo/hailort.h.

I can not also find hailort header file in tappas repo… Not sure what is missing.

I am using ubuntu 22.04.

I am able to create post processing so for rpi5 using the hailo-rpi5-examples/compile_postprocess.sh at main · hailo-ai/hailo-rpi5-examples · GitHub.

I copied the post processing files from tappas → postprocessing and change the parameter(attached below) parameter.

This Line I need to change - [ 17(human keypoints) → my customkeypoints(2)]

But Keypoints are shifted in left side and somewhat on top. Although detection boxes are correct. And the both keypoints values are almost same(not sure why).

My model is correct and everything is working correcty outside hailo.

I also tried custom application using HailoAsyncInterfernce utility. And there is no issue with key-points.
I modified the key-points related lines in
for ex -

And few other lines key-points related. And this is working without any issue.

But I can not use the same approach in c++.

Any suggestion would be helpful.
In case someone want to see issue I can share in Individual Chat.
Thank you.

I am using hailo-rpi5-examples/basic_pipelines/pose_estimation.py at main · hailo-ai/hailo-rpi5-examples · GitHub
to test the hef and post_processing so.

Hey @saurabh

It sounds like you’re on the right track with trying to modify the yolov8pose_postprocess.cpp file for your custom keypoints and building your custom .so file. I’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide that might help resolve the issues you’re facing.

1. Installing Dependencies

Since you’re encountering an issue with the hailort.h header file, it seems like the HailoRT library might not be installed or linked correctly in your build environment. Here’s how you can proceed to install and set up the required dependencies:

  1. Make sure you’ve installed the Hailo SDK and HailoRT on your Ubuntu 22.04 system. You can follow the Hailo SDK installation guide from Hailo’s website or the documentation that comes with the Hailo AI Software Suite. This should also install the required hailort.h headers.

  2. Verify that hailort.h is present in the expected directory. Typically, it should be in:


    If it’s missing, you may need to reinstall or reconfigure the SDK.

  3. After the SDK is installed, try compiling your .so file again with Meson:

    meson setup build
    ninja -C build

    Ensure that hailort.h is correctly included in the include path by setting the necessary flags in the Meson build configuration.

2. Modifying the Post-Processing Code

As you mentioned, the keypoints length is different in your custom YOLOv8 Pose model. Here’s how you can modify the yolov8pose_postprocess.cpp file to handle this:

// Original code with 17 keypoints
xt::xarray<uint8_t> quantized_keypoints = xt::reshape_view(output_keypoints_quantized, {num_proposals_keypoints, 17, 3});

// Modify it for your custom keypoints
xt::xarray<uint8_t> quantized_keypoints = xt::reshape_view(output_keypoints_quantized, {num_proposals_keypoints, CUSTOM_KEYPOINTS_LENGTH, 3});

Make sure to replace CUSTOM_KEYPOINTS_LENGTH with the actual number of keypoints in your model. After modifying the code, you can compile it again using Meson or the provided shell script.

3. Handling Keypoint Shifts and Errors

It seems like you’re seeing some keypoint shifts to the left or top. This is likely due to incorrect scaling or normalization of the coordinates. Ensure that your post-processing logic is correctly interpreting the model’s output.

Here’s an example of how you might adjust the scaling if it’s based on the image size:

// If keypoints seem shifted, ensure you're scaling them correctly
float x_scale = image_width / model_input_width;
float y_scale = image_height / model_input_height;

// Iterate over keypoints and scale them back to the original image size
for (int i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); ++i) {
    keypoints[i].x *= x_scale;
    keypoints[i].y *= y_scale;

Additionally, check if you’re correctly interpreting the number of proposals (detections) and their associated keypoints. Debug by printing the intermediate values of keypoints and detections before you apply the scaling.

4. Using Python for Reference

Since your Python implementation works correctly, you can reference the logic there to cross-check the C++ implementation. In Python, if you’re modifying keypoints like this:

kpts = [
    np.reshape(c, (-1, c.shape[1] * c.shape[2], 17, 3)) for c in endnodes[2:9:3]

Make sure you’re replicating the same logic in C++. For example, if you’re using reshape in Python, make sure you’re doing the equivalent operation in C++:

xt::xarray<float> keypoints = xt::reshape_view(output_keypoints, {num_proposals, CUSTOM_KEYPOINTS_LENGTH, 3});

Also, confirm that you’re applying any required normalization steps as you do in Python. For instance, if the Python code normalizes keypoints based on the image size, make sure to do that in C++ as well.

5. Debugging with Print Statements

Add some print statements to your C++ code to check the values of the keypoints and ensure they align with the expected output:

// Debugging: print keypoint values
for (size_t i = 0; i < quantized_keypoints.shape(0); ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < quantized_keypoints.shape(1); ++j) {
        std::cout << "Keypoint " << i << ", " << j << ": (" 
                  << quantized_keypoints(i, j, 0) << ", "
                  << quantized_keypoints(i, j, 1) << ", "
                  << quantized_keypoints(i, j, 2) << ")" << std::endl;

By checking these values, you can ensure that the reshaping and scaling of keypoints are done correctly.

6. Compilation Example

If you’re having trouble with Meson, you can also use a more manual approach by compiling the code directly using g++. For example:

g++ -shared -o custom_postprocess.so -fPIC yolov8pose_postprocess.cpp -I/usr/include/hailo

Ensure that you link the necessary libraries and include the Hailo headers in your compilation command.

7. Final Testing

After building the custom .so file, replace the original post-processing file in /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/hailo/tappas/post_processes on your device and test the output using your model. You can use the same testing script as before, but now with your modified post-processing logic.

Hopefully, this guide helps you move forward with creating your custom post-processing .so file. If you continue facing issues, feel free to share more details, and I’d be happy to assist further!

* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Hailo Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the LGPL license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt)
// General includes
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

// Hailo includes
#include "hailo_xtensor.hpp"
#include "common/math.hpp"
#include "common/tensors.hpp"
#include "common/labels/coco_eighty.hpp"
#include "yolov8pose_postprocess.hpp"

#include "xtensor/xadapt.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xarray.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xcontainer.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xeval.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xtensor.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xindex_view.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xio.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xmanipulation.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xmasked_view.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xoperation.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xpad.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xrandom.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xshape.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xsort.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xstrided_view.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xview.hpp"

using namespace xt::placeholders;

#define IOU_THRESHOLD 0.7
#define NUM_CLASSES 1

std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> JOINT_PAIRS = {
    {0, 1}, 
    // {1, 3}, {0, 2}, {2, 4},
    // {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {7, 9}, {6, 8}, {8, 10},
    // {5, 11}, {6, 12}, {11, 12},
    // {11, 13}, {12, 14}, {13, 15}, {14, 16}

std::pair<std::vector<KeyPt>, std::vector<PairPairs>> process_single_decoding(const Decodings& dec, const std::vector<int>& network_dims, float joint_threshold=0.5) {
    std::vector<KeyPt> keypoints;
    std::vector<PairPairs> pairs;
    auto keypoint_coordinates_and_score = dec.keypoints;
    auto coordinates = keypoint_coordinates_and_score.first;
    auto score = keypoint_coordinates_and_score.second;
    // Filter keypoints
    for (uint i = 0; i < score.shape(0); i++){
        if (score(i,0) > joint_threshold) {
            keypoints.push_back(KeyPt({coordinates(i, 0) / network_dims[0], coordinates(i, 1) / network_dims[1], score(i,0)}));

    // Filter joints pair
    for (const auto& pair : JOINT_PAIRS) {
        if (score(pair.first,0) >= joint_threshold && score(pair.second, 0) >= joint_threshold){
            PairPairs pr = PairPairs({
                            std::make_pair(coordinates(pair.first,0) / network_dims[0], coordinates(pair.first,1) / network_dims[1]),
                            std::make_pair(coordinates(pair.second,0) / network_dims[0], coordinates(pair.second,1) / network_dims[1]),
                            score(pair.first, 0), 
                            score(pair.second, 0)
    return std::make_pair(keypoints, pairs);

// filter keypoints iterates over all decodings
std::pair<std::vector<KeyPt>, std::vector<PairPairs>> filter_keypoints(const std::vector<Decodings>& filtered_decodings, const std::vector<int>& network_dims, float joint_threshold=0.5) {
    std::vector<KeyPt> filtered_keypoints;
    std::vector<PairPairs> filtered_pairs;
    for (const auto& dec : filtered_decodings){
        auto result = process_single_decoding(dec, network_dims, joint_threshold);
        filtered_keypoints.insert(filtered_keypoints.end(), result.first.begin(), result.first.end());
        filtered_pairs.insert(filtered_pairs.end(), result.second.begin(), result.second.end());
    return std::make_pair(filtered_keypoints, filtered_pairs);

float iou_calc(const HailoBBox &box_1, const HailoBBox &box_2)
    // Calculate IOU between two detection boxes
    const float width_of_overlap_area = std::min(box_1.xmax(), box_2.xmax()) - std::max(box_1.xmin(), box_2.xmin());
    const float height_of_overlap_area = std::min(box_1.ymax(), box_2.ymax()) - std::max(box_1.ymin(), box_2.ymin());
    const float positive_width_of_overlap_area = std::max(width_of_overlap_area, 0.0f);
    const float positive_height_of_overlap_area = std::max(height_of_overlap_area, 0.0f);
    const float area_of_overlap = positive_width_of_overlap_area * positive_height_of_overlap_area;
    const float box_1_area = (box_1.ymax() - box_1.ymin()) * (box_1.xmax() - box_1.xmin());
    const float box_2_area = (box_2.ymax() - box_2.ymin()) * (box_2.xmax() - box_2.xmin());
    // The IOU is a ratio of how much the boxes overlap vs their size outside the overlap.
    // Boxes that are similar will have a higher overlap threshold.
    return area_of_overlap / (box_1_area + box_2_area - area_of_overlap);

std::vector<Decodings> nms(std::vector<Decodings> &decodings, const float iou_thr, bool should_nms_cross_classes = false) {

    std::vector<Decodings> decodings_after_nms;

    for (uint index = 0; index < decodings.size(); index++)
        if (decodings[index].detection_box.get_confidence() != 0.0f)
            for (uint jindex = index + 1; jindex < decodings.size(); jindex++)
                if ((should_nms_cross_classes || (decodings[index].detection_box.get_class_id() == decodings[jindex].detection_box.get_class_id())) &&
                    decodings[jindex].detection_box.get_confidence() != 0.0f)
                    // For each detection, calculate the IOU against each following detection.
                    float iou = iou_calc(decodings[index].detection_box.get_bbox(), decodings[jindex].detection_box.get_bbox());
                    // If the IOU is above threshold, then we have two similar detections,
                    // and want to delete the one.
                    if (iou >= iou_thr)
                        // The detections are arranged in highest score order,
                        // so we want to erase the latter detection.
    for (uint index = 0; index < decodings.size(); index++)
        if (decodings[index].detection_box.get_confidence() != 0.0f)
            decodings_after_nms.push_back(Decodings{decodings[index].detection_box, decodings[index].keypoints, decodings[index].joint_pairs});
    return decodings_after_nms;

float dequantize_value(uint8_t val, float32_t qp_scale, float32_t qp_zp){
    return (float(val) - qp_zp) * qp_scale;

void dequantize_box_values(xt::xarray<float>& dequantized_outputs, int index, 
                        xt::xarray<uint8_t>& quantized_outputs,
                        size_t dim1, size_t dim2, float32_t qp_scale, float32_t qp_zp){
    for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1; i++){
        for (size_t j = 0; j < dim2; j++){
            dequantized_outputs(i, j) = dequantize_value(quantized_outputs(index, i, j), qp_scale, qp_zp);

std::vector<xt::xarray<double>> get_centers(std::vector<int>& strides, std::vector<int>& network_dims,
                                        std::size_t boxes_num, int strided_width, int strided_height){

        std::vector<xt::xarray<double>> centers(boxes_num);

        for (uint i=0; i < boxes_num; i++) {
            strided_width = network_dims[0] / strides[i];
            strided_height = network_dims[1] / strides[i];

            // Create a meshgrid of the proper strides
            xt::xarray<int> grid_x = xt::arange(0, strided_width);
            xt::xarray<int> grid_y = xt::arange(0, strided_height);

            auto mesh = xt::meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y);
            grid_x = std::get<1>(mesh);
            grid_y = std::get<0>(mesh);

            // Use the meshgrid to build up box center prototypes
            auto ct_row = (xt::flatten(grid_y) + 0.5) * strides[i];
            auto ct_col = (xt::flatten(grid_x) + 0.5) * strides[i];

            centers[i] = xt::stack(xt::xtuple(ct_col, ct_row, ct_col, ct_row), 1);

        return centers;

std::vector<Decodings> decode_boxes_and_keypoints(std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> raw_boxes_outputs,
                                                                    xt::xarray<float> scores,
                                                                    std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> raw_keypoints,
                                                                    std::vector<int> network_dims,
                                                                    std::vector<int> strides,
                                                                    int regression_length) {
    int strided_width =-1;
    int strided_height = -1;
    int class_index = 0;
    std::vector<Decodings> decodings;
    std::vector<PairPairs> joint_pairs;
    int instance_index = 0;
    float confidence = 0.0;
    std::string label;

    auto centers = get_centers(std::ref(strides), std::ref(network_dims), raw_boxes_outputs.size(), strided_width, strided_height);

    // Box distribution to distance
    auto regression_distance =  xt::reshape_view(xt::arange(0, regression_length + 1), {1, 1, regression_length + 1});

    for (uint i = 0; i < raw_boxes_outputs.size(); i++)
        // Boxes setup
        float32_t qp_scale = raw_boxes_outputs[i]->vstream_info().quant_info.qp_scale;
        float32_t qp_zp = raw_boxes_outputs[i]->vstream_info().quant_info.qp_zp;

        auto output_b = common::get_xtensor(raw_boxes_outputs[i]);
        int num_proposals = output_b.shape(0) * output_b.shape(1);
        auto output_boxes = xt::view(output_b, xt::all(), xt::all(), xt::all());
        xt::xarray<uint8_t> quantized_boxes = xt::reshape_view(output_boxes, {num_proposals, 4, regression_length + 1});

        auto shape = {quantized_boxes.shape(1), quantized_boxes.shape(2)};

        // Keypoints setup
        float32_t qp_scale_kpts = raw_keypoints[i]->vstream_info().quant_info.qp_scale;
        float32_t qp_zp_kpts = raw_keypoints[i]->vstream_info().quant_info.qp_zp;

        auto output_keypoints = common::get_xtensor(raw_keypoints[i]);        
        int num_proposals_keypoints = output_keypoints.shape(0) * output_keypoints.shape(1);
        auto output_keypoints_quantized = xt::view(output_keypoints, xt::all(), xt::all(), xt::all());
        xt::xarray<uint8_t> quantized_keypoints = xt::reshape_view(output_keypoints_quantized, {num_proposals_keypoints, 2, 3}); 

        auto keypoints_shape = {quantized_keypoints.shape(1), quantized_keypoints.shape(2)};

        // Bbox decoding
        for (uint j = 0; j < uint(num_proposals); j++) {
            confidence =    xt::row(scores, instance_index)(0);
            if (confidence < SCORE_THRESHOLD)

            xt::xarray<float> box(shape);
            xt::xarray<float> kpts_corrdinates_and_scores(keypoints_shape);
            dequantize_box_values(box, j, quantized_boxes, 
                                    box.shape(0), box.shape(1), 
                                    qp_scale, qp_zp);
            common::softmax_2D(box.data(), box.shape(0), box.shape(1));
            auto box_distance = box * regression_distance;
            xt::xarray<float> reduced_distances = xt::sum(box_distance, {2});
            auto strided_distances = reduced_distances * strides[i];

            // Decode box
            auto distance_view1 = xt::view(strided_distances, xt::all(), xt::range(_, 2)) * -1;
            auto distance_view2 = xt::view(strided_distances, xt::all(), xt::range(2, _));
            auto distance_view = xt::concatenate(xt::xtuple(distance_view1, distance_view2), 1);
            auto decoded_box = centers[i] + distance_view;

            HailoBBox bbox(decoded_box(j, 0) / network_dims[0],
                           decoded_box(j, 1) / network_dims[1],
                           (decoded_box(j, 2) - decoded_box(j, 0)) / network_dims[0],
                           (decoded_box(j, 3) - decoded_box(j, 1)) / network_dims[1]);

            label = common::coco_eighty[class_index + 1];
            HailoDetection detected_instance(bbox, class_index, label, confidence);

            // Decode keypoints
            dequantize_box_values(kpts_corrdinates_and_scores, j, quantized_keypoints, 
                                    kpts_corrdinates_and_scores.shape(0), kpts_corrdinates_and_scores.shape(1), 
                                    qp_scale_kpts, qp_zp_kpts);

            auto kpts_corrdinates = xt::view(kpts_corrdinates_and_scores, xt::all(), xt::range(0, 2));
            auto keypoints_scores = xt::view(kpts_corrdinates_and_scores, xt::all(), xt::range(2, xt::placeholders::_));

            kpts_corrdinates *= 2;

            auto center = xt::view(centers[i], xt::all(), xt::range(0, 2));
            auto center_values = xt::xarray<float>{(float)center(j,0), (float)center(j,1)};

            kpts_corrdinates = strides[i] * (kpts_corrdinates - 0.5) + center_values;

            // Apply sigmoid to keypoints scores
            auto sigmoided_scores = 1 / (1 + xt::exp(-keypoints_scores));

            auto keypoint = std::make_pair(kpts_corrdinates, sigmoided_scores);

            decodings.push_back(Decodings{detected_instance, keypoint, joint_pairs});

    return decodings;

Triple get_boxes_scores_keypoints(std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> &tensors, int num_classes, int regression_length){
    std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> outputs_boxes(tensors.size() / 3);
    std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> outputs_keypoints(tensors.size() / 3);
    // Prepare the scores xarray at the size we will fill in in-place
    int total_scores = 0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < tensors.size(); i = i + 3) { 
        total_scores += tensors[i+1]->width() * tensors[i+1]->height(); 

    std::vector<size_t> scores_shape = { (long unsigned int)total_scores, (long unsigned int)num_classes};
    xt::xarray<float> scores(scores_shape);

    int view_index_scores = 0;

    for (uint i = 0; i < tensors.size(); i = i + 3)
        // Bounding boxes extraction will be done later on only on the boxes that surpass the score threshold
        outputs_boxes[i / 3] = tensors[i];

        // Extract and dequantize the scores outputs
        auto dequantized_output_s = common::dequantize(common::get_xtensor(tensors[i+1]), tensors[i+1]->vstream_info().quant_info.qp_scale, tensors[i+1]->vstream_info().quant_info.qp_zp);
        int num_proposals_scores = dequantized_output_s.shape(0)*dequantized_output_s.shape(1);

        // From the layer extract the scores
        auto output_scores = xt::view(dequantized_output_s, xt::all(), xt::all(), xt::all());
        xt::view(scores, xt::range(view_index_scores, view_index_scores + num_proposals_scores), xt::all()) = xt::reshape_view(output_scores, {num_proposals_scores, num_classes});
        view_index_scores += num_proposals_scores;

        // Keypoints extraction will be done later according to the boxes that surpass the threshold
        outputs_keypoints[i / 3] = tensors[i+2];

    return Triple{outputs_boxes, scores, outputs_keypoints};

std::vector<Decodings> yolov8pose_postprocess(std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> &tensors,
                                std::vector<int> network_dims,
                                std::vector<int> strides,
                                int regression_length,
                                int num_classes)
    std::vector<Decodings> decodings;
    if (tensors.size() == 0)
        return decodings;

    Triple boxes_scores_keypoints = get_boxes_scores_keypoints(tensors, num_classes, regression_length);
    std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> raw_boxes = boxes_scores_keypoints.boxes;
    xt::xarray<float> scores = boxes_scores_keypoints.scores;
    std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> raw_keypoints = boxes_scores_keypoints.keypoints;

    // Decode the boxes and keypoints
    decodings = decode_boxes_and_keypoints(raw_boxes, scores, raw_keypoints, network_dims, strides, regression_length);

    // Filter with NMS
    auto decodings_after_nms = nms(decodings, IOU_THRESHOLD, true);

    return decodings_after_nms;

 * @brief yolov8 postprocess
 *        Provides network specific paramters
 * @param roi  -  HailoROIPtr
 *        The roi that contains the ouput tensors

std::pair<std::vector<KeyPt>, std::vector<PairPairs>> yolov8(HailoROIPtr roi)
    // anchor params
    int regression_length = 15;
    std::vector<int> strides = {8, 16, 32};
    std::vector<int> network_dims = {640, 640};

    std::vector<HailoTensorPtr> tensors = roi->get_tensors();
    auto filtered_decodings = yolov8pose_postprocess(tensors, network_dims, strides, regression_length, NUM_CLASSES);

    std::vector<HailoDetection> detections;

    for (auto& dec : filtered_decodings){
        HailoDetection detection = dec.detection_box;
        std::pair<std::vector<KeyPt>, std::vector<PairPairs>> keypoints_and_pairs = process_single_decoding(dec, network_dims, 0.0f);
        std::vector<KeyPt> scaled_keypoints = keypoints_and_pairs.first;
        // Create an empty xarray with the correct shape
        // xt::xarray<float> landmarks = xt::empty<float>({18, 3});
        xt::xarray<float> landmarks = xt::empty<float>({int(scaled_keypoints.size()), 3});

        // Fill the xarray with the data from the vector
        for (size_t i = 0; i < scaled_keypoints.size(); ++i) {
            landmarks(i, 0) = scaled_keypoints[i].xs;
            landmarks(i, 1) = scaled_keypoints[i].ys;
            landmarks(i, 2) = scaled_keypoints[i].joints_scores;

        hailo_common::add_landmarks_to_detection(detection, "centerpose", landmarks, SCORE_THRESHOLD, JOINT_PAIRS);


    hailo_common::add_detections(roi, detections);

    std::pair<std::vector<KeyPt>, std::vector<PairPairs>> keypoints_and_pairs = filter_keypoints(filtered_decodings, network_dims);

    return keypoints_and_pairs;


void filter(HailoROIPtr roi)

I have changed JOINT_PAIRS

std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> JOINT_PAIRS = {
    {0, 1}, 
    // {1, 3}, {0, 2}, {2, 4},
    // {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {7, 9}, {6, 8}, {8, 10},
    // {5, 11}, {6, 12}, {11, 12},
    // {11, 13}, {12, 14}, {13, 15}, {14, 16}


xt::xarray<uint8_t> quantized_keypoints = xt::reshape_view(output_keypoints_quantized, {num_proposals_keypoints, 2, 3});   // 17 -> 2(My custom keypoints)

I am using hailo-rpi5-examples/compile_postprocess.sh at main · hailo-ai/hailo-rpi5-examples · GitHub to compile.

There is another issue as well. I am getting the two points values are almost same.

And My model input are same 640x640.

I have figured out the post process issue with yoolv8_pose on my trained model.
See the keypoints output type. those are different.

To confirm this issue. I build another hef with all 8bit. And this works.
In my case I need as much accurate and precise value I can get.
So can you tell me at what places I need to modify the code to handle this 16bit data. I applied modifications at a few places but no change.

Actual Issue with 16 Bits -
In c++ post processing, those keypoints values are converted to uint8_t type due to how it’s is implemented.
Everywhere tensors are considered as uint8_t. I believe that’s the issue.

the get_xtensor by default return uint8 type. This can be changed to

auto output_keypoints = common::get_xtensor_uint16(raw_keypoints[i]);        

But this is not working.

Can you tell me at what places I need to modify?

I managed to update the logic to handle 16 bits output. Used get_xtensor_uint16 to get 16 bit output. and also at few other places I replaced uint8_t to uint16_t .

Code Lines are shown below where we need to update…