Failed to parse the model into Hef

Hello everyone in the community
Recently, I have been parsing my model into Hef, but the error is as follows:

[error] Mapping Failed (allocation time: 1m 58s)
Compiler could not find a valid partition to contexts. Most commom error is: Automri finished with too many resources on context_4 with 11/56 failures.

[error] Failed to produce compiled graph
[error] BackendAllocatorException: Compilation failed: Compiler could not find a valid partition to contexts. Most commom error is: Automri finished with too many resources on context_4 with 11/56 failures.

I have tried setting up Performance Params:



[error] Mapping Failed (Timeout, allocation time: 2m 38s)
No valid partition found
Mapping Failed (Timeout, allocation time: 2m 38s)

[error] Failed to produce compiled graph
[error] BackendAllocatorException: Compilation failed: No valid partition found
Mapping Failed (Timeout, allocation time: 2m 38s)

Does this mean that my model is too large for the Hailo platform to accept? This problem has been bothering me for several months, and I would be very grateful if anyone could help me!
Fan Xiaoqin