- Assuming following recommended installation guides - code already installed on Pi, and both Pi & local PC connected to the same WiFi network.
- In Pi terminal type
and get the IP address (might be changed on each reboot).
- In VS Code, connect to host - remote ssh. Use Pi’s IP address, user name & password.
- In VS Code, open “Explorer” view from the “Activity Bar” and open the relevant folder (on Pi) with the code.
- In VS Code, open “Run & Debug” view from the “Activity Bar”, and add new configuration to launch.json:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Regular Debug",
"type": "debugpy",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${file}",
"args": ["--input", "rpi"] // optional
- While active open file (because “program” param set to
) is the Python application, for example “detection.py”, run the configuration. This will try to debug the code but will show some error, while a Python debug terminal will open representing Pi remote folder with the code.
- In that terminal execute:
cd hailo-rpi5-examples
source setup_env.sh # or “. s” and hit tab
export DISPLAY=:0 # since current active display is PC and Pi connected remotely via SSH
- In the Python application code, for example “detection.py”:
import debugpy
def app_callback(pad, info, user_data):
debugpy.listen(("", 5688)) # port number meaningless
breakpoint() # or wherever actual break point required
- While active file is the Python application, for example “detection.py”, Run the configuration. This time it will debug and stop at the breakpoint.
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