Dataflow Compiler: BackendAllocatorException: Compilation failed: No successful assignment for: concat1

Hi everyone, I’m trying to run simple model with multiple inputs at HAILO8 M.2. Trying 2 different scenarios: def forward(self, x1, x2, x3): ... and def forward(self, x: Dict[str, torch,Tensor]): .... In both cases I receive same error during model compile:

Error msg

[error] Mapping Failed (allocation time: 0s)
No successful assignment for: concat1

[error] Failed to produce compiled graph
[error] BackendAllocatorException: Compilation failed: No successful assignment for: concat1

Full logs:

[info] Translation started on ONNX model MyModelWithDictInput
[info] Restored ONNX model MyModelWithDictInput (completion time: 00:00:00.00)
[info] Extracted ONNXRuntime meta-data for Hailo model (completion time: 00:00:00.03)
[info] Start nodes mapped from original model: ‘onnx::Gemm_0’: ‘MyModelWithDictInput/input_layer1’, ‘onnx::Gemm_1’: ‘MyModelWithDictInput/input_layer2’, ‘onnx::Gemm_2’: ‘MyModelWithDictInput/input_layer3’.
[info] End nodes mapped from original model: ‘/linear31/Gemm’, ‘/linear32/Gemm’.
[info] Translation completed on ONNX model MyModelWithDictInput (completion time: 00:00:00.09)
[info] Saved HAR to: /local/shared_with_docker/tpu_investigation/har_models/MyModelWithDictInput_hailo_model.har
Model successfully saved to har: /local/shared_with_docker/tpu_investigation/har_models/MyModelWithDictInput_hailo_model.har
[optimize_model] started …
[prepare_calibration_dataset] started …
[info] Starting Model Optimization
[warning] Reducing optimization level to 0 (the accuracy won’t be optimized and compression won’t be used) because there’s less data than the recommended amount (1024), and there’s no available GPU
[warning] Running model optimization with zero level of optimization is not recommended for production use and might lead to suboptimal accuracy results
[info] Model received quantization params from the hn
[info] Starting Mixed Precision
[info] Mixed Precision is done (completion time is 00:00:00.08)
[info] Layer Norm Decomposition skipped
[info] Starting Stats Collector
[info] Using dataset with 50 entries for calibration
Calibration: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [00:03<00:00, 13.11entries/s]
[info] Stats Collector is done (completion time is 00:00:04.08)
[info] Starting Fix zp_comp Encoding
[info] Fix zp_comp Encoding is done (completion time is 00:00:00.00)
[info] matmul_equalization skipped
[info] Finetune encoding skipped
[info] Bias Correction skipped
[info] Adaround skipped
[info] Fine Tune skipped
[info] Layer Noise Analysis skipped
[info] The calibration set seems to not be normalized, because the values range is [(0.0006018692, 0.97930187), (0.028501753, 0.9929861), (0.0004638245, 0.92580736)].
Since the neural core works in 8-bit (between 0 to 255), a quantization will occur on the CPU of the runtime platform.
Add a normalization layer to the model to offload the normalization to the neural core.
Refer to the user guide Hailo Dataflow Compiler user guide / Model Optimization / Optimization Related Model Script Commands / model_modification_commands / normalization for details.
[info] Model Optimization is done
[info] Saved HAR to: /local/shared_with_docker/tpu_investigation/har_models/MyModelWithDictInput_hailo_model_quantized_model.har
[info] To achieve optimal performance, set the compiler_optimization_level to “max” by adding performance_param(compiler_optimization_level=max) to the model script. Note that this may increase compilation time.
[info] Loading network parameters
[info] Starting Hailo allocation and compilation flow
[error] Mapping Failed (allocation time: 0s)
No successful assignment for: concat1

[error] Failed to produce compiled graph
[error] BackendAllocatorException: Compilation failed: No successful assignment for: concat1

[info] Translation started on ONNX model MyModelWithMultipleInputs
[info] Restored ONNX model MyModelWithMultipleInputs (completion time: 00:00:00.00)
[info] Extracted ONNXRuntime meta-data for Hailo model (completion time: 00:00:00.03)
[info] Start nodes mapped from original model: ‘x1’: ‘MyModelWithMultipleInputs/input_layer1’, ‘x2’: ‘MyModelWithMultipleInputs/input_layer2’, ‘x3’: ‘MyModelWithMultipleInputs/input_layer3’.
[info] End nodes mapped from original model: ‘/linear31/Gemm’, ‘/linear32/Gemm’.
[info] Translation completed on ONNX model MyModelWithMultipleInputs (completion time: 00:00:00.10)
[info] Saved HAR to: /local/shared_with_docker/tpu_investigation/har_models/MyModelWithMultipleInputs_hailo_model.har
Model successfully saved to har: /local/shared_with_docker/tpu_investigation/har_models/MyModelWithMultipleInputs_hailo_model.har
[optimize_model] started …
[prepare_calibration_dataset] started …
[info] Starting Model Optimization
[warning] Reducing optimization level to 0 (the accuracy won’t be optimized and compression won’t be used) because there’s less data than the recommended amount (1024), and there’s no available GPU
[warning] Running model optimization with zero level of optimization is not recommended for production use and might lead to suboptimal accuracy results
[info] Model received quantization params from the hn
[info] Starting Mixed Precision
[info] Mixed Precision is done (completion time is 00:00:00.08)
[info] Layer Norm Decomposition skipped
[info] Starting Stats Collector
[info] Using dataset with 50 entries for calibration
Calibration: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [00:04<00:00, 12.36entries/s]
[info] Stats Collector is done (completion time is 00:00:04.30)
[info] Starting Fix zp_comp Encoding
[info] Fix zp_comp Encoding is done (completion time is 00:00:00.00)
[info] matmul_equalization skipped
[info] Finetune encoding skipped
[info] Bias Correction skipped
[info] Adaround skipped
[info] Fine Tune skipped
[info] Layer Noise Analysis skipped
[info] The calibration set seems to not be normalized, because the values range is [(0.08511114, 0.989071), (0.040190928, 0.9438765), (0.0030021686, 0.9975469)].
Since the neural core works in 8-bit (between 0 to 255), a quantization will occur on the CPU of the runtime platform.
Add a normalization layer to the model to offload the normalization to the neural core.
Refer to the user guide Hailo Dataflow Compiler user guide / Model Optimization / Optimization Related Model Script Commands / model_modification_commands / normalization for details.
[info] Model Optimization is done
[info] Saved HAR to: /local/shared_with_docker/tpu_investigation/har_models/MyModelWithMultipleInputs_hailo_model_quantized_model.har
[info] To achieve optimal performance, set the compiler_optimization_level to “max” by adding performance_param(compiler_optimization_level=max) to the model script. Note that this may increase compilation time.
[info] Loading network parameters
[info] Starting Hailo allocation and compilation flow
[error] Mapping Failed (allocation time: 0s)
No successful assignment for: concat1

[error] Failed to produce compiled graph
[error] BackendAllocatorException: Compilation failed: No successful assignment for: concat1

My code:

import sys
PROJECT_DIR_PATH = '/local/shared_with_docker/tpu_investigation/'

from typing import Dict

import os
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn import Linear, Module
import numpy as np
import onnx
from hailo_sdk_client import ClientRunner

import numpy as np
from hailo_sdk_client.exposed_definitions import CalibrationDataType

class MyModelWithMultipleInputs(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear11 = Linear(3, 8)
        self.linear12 = Linear(5, 8)
        self.linear13 = Linear(10, 8)
        self.linear2 = Linear(24, 128)
        self.linear31 = Linear(128, 1)
        self.linear32 = Linear(128, 1)

    def forward(self, x1, x2, x3):
        z1 = self.linear11(x1)
        z2 = self.linear12(x2)
        z3 = self.linear13(x3)
        z =, z2, z3), dim=1)
        z = F.relu(z)
        z = F.relu(self.linear2(z))
        return self.linear31(z), self.linear32(z)

class MyModelWithDictInput(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear11 = Linear(3, 8)
        self.linear12 = Linear(5, 8)
        self.linear13 = Linear(10, 8)
        self.linear2 = Linear(24, 128)
        self.linear31 = Linear(128, 1)
        self.linear32 = Linear(128, 1)

    def forward(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]):
        z1 = self.linear11(batch['x1'])
        z2 = self.linear12(batch['x2'])
        z3 = self.linear13(batch['x3'])
        z =, z2, z3), dim=1)
        z = F.relu(z)
        z = F.relu(self.linear2(z))
        return self.linear31(z), self.linear32(z)
def parse_model_to_har(onnx_path, onnx_model_name):
    print(f'[parse_model_to_har] started ...')

    hailo_model_har_name = f"{onnx_model_name}_hailo_model"
    path_to_har = os.path.join(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR_PATH, "har_models"), hailo_model_har_name + '.har')

    if os.path.exists(path_to_har):
        print(f'Model [HAR] exist at {path_to_har}. Skip ...')
        return path_to_har, hailo_model_har_name

    chosen_hw_arch = "hailo8"
    runner = ClientRunner(hw_arch=chosen_hw_arch)
    hn, npz = runner.translate_onnx_model(

    print(f'Model successfully saved to har: {path_to_har}')
    return path_to_har, hailo_model_har_name

def prepare_calibration_dataset_multiple_inputs(model_name, batch_size=50):
    print(f'[prepare_calibration_dataset] started ...')

    x1 = np.random.rand(batch_size, 3)
    x2 = np.random.rand(batch_size, 5)
    x3 = np.random.rand(batch_size, 10)

    calib_data = {
        f'{model_name}/input_layer1': x1,
        f'{model_name}/input_layer2': x2,
        f'{model_name}/input_layer3': x3

    return calib_data

def optimize_model(model_name, har_path, har_model_name):
    print(f'[optimize_model] started ...')

    har_quantized_model_name = har_model_name + '_quantized_model.har'
    path_to_quantized_har = os.path.join(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR_PATH, "har_models"), har_quantized_model_name)

    if os.path.exists(path_to_quantized_har):
        print(f'Model [HAR] exist at {path_to_quantized_har}. Skip ...')
        return path_to_quantized_har, har_quantized_model_name
    runner = ClientRunner(har=har_path)

    calib_dataset = prepare_calibration_dataset_multiple_inputs(model_name)

    runner.optimize(calib_dataset, data_type=CalibrationDataType.np_array)

    del calib_dataset

    return path_to_quantized_har, har_quantized_model_name
def compile_model_to_hef(har_path, har_model_name):
    hef_model_name = har_model_name + '.hef'
    path_to_hef = os.path.join(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR_PATH, "hef_models"), hef_model_name)

    if os.path.exists(path_to_hef):
        print(f'Model [HEF] exist at {path_to_hef}. Skip ...')
        return path_to_hef, hef_model_name
    runner = ClientRunner(har=har_path)
    hef = runner.compile()
    with open(path_to_hef, "wb") as f:

    har_model_name = har_model_name + '_compiled_model.har'
    path_to_compiled_har = os.path.join(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR_PATH, "har_models"), har_model_name)

    return path_to_hef, hef_model_name

def onnx_to_hef_dict():
    model = MyModelWithDictInput()
    batch = {
        'x1' : torch.randn(1, 3),
        'x2' : torch.randn(1, 5),
        'x3' : torch.randn(1, 10),
    y = model(batch)
    print(f'[MyModelWithDictInput] y: {y}') 

    path_to_onnx = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR_PATH, "onnx_models/MyModelWithDictInput.onnx")
    torch_model_name = 'MyModelWithDictInput'

    onnx_model = torch.onnx.export(
        {"batch": batch},

    onnx_model = onnx.load(path_to_onnx)

    input_layer_names = [ for input in onnx_model.graph.input]

    # Print the input layer names
    print("Input Layer Names:", input_layer_names)

    # path_to_onnx, torch_model_name = export_to_onnx(policy)
    path_to_har, hailo_model_har_name = parse_model_to_har(path_to_onnx, torch_model_name)
    path_to_quantized_har, har_quantized_model_name = optimize_model('MyModelWithDictInput', path_to_har, hailo_model_har_name)
    path_to_hef, hef_model_name = compile_model_to_hef(path_to_quantized_har, har_quantized_model_name)

def onnx_to_hef_multiple_inputs():
    model = MyModelWithMultipleInputs()
    dummy_x = (torch.randn(1, 3), torch.randn(1, 5), torch.randn(1, 10))
    y = model(*dummy_x)

    path_to_onnx = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR_PATH, "onnx_models/MyModelWithMultipleInputs.onnx")
    torch_model_name = 'MyModelWithMultipleInputs'

    onnx_model = torch.onnx.export(
        input_names=["x1", "x2", "x3"],
        output_names=["y1", "y2"],

    onnx_model = onnx.load(path_to_onnx)

    input_layer_names = [ for input in onnx_model.graph.input]

    # Print the input layer names
    print("Input Layer Names:", input_layer_names)

    # path_to_onnx, torch_model_name = export_to_onnx(policy)
    path_to_har, hailo_model_har_name = parse_model_to_har(path_to_onnx, torch_model_name)
    path_to_quantized_har, har_quantized_model_name = optimize_model('MyModelWithMultipleInputs', path_to_har, hailo_model_har_name)
    path_to_hef, hef_model_name = compile_model_to_hef(path_to_quantized_har, har_quantized_model_name)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Hi @max
Can you please have a look at this post? Maybe it can help you.
Let me know if you are still having problems with compiling the model.

Hi, @lihis

I read post to suggest.
First, I do not receive any message like this:

[info] In order to use HailoRT post-processing capabilities, these end node names should be used: /model.22/cv2.0/cv2.0.2/Conv /model.22/cv3.0/cv3.0.2/Conv /model.22/cv2.1/cv2.1.2/Conv /model.22/cv3.1/cv3.1.2/Conv /model.22/cv2.2/cv2.2.2/Conv /model.22/cv3.2/cv3.2.2/Conv.

Second, I do not understand why I should set other end-node-names than my actual end-node names.

I tried to set start-node-names and change end-node-names. receive same error.


hn, npz = runner.translate_onnx_model(
        start_node_names=["x1", "x2", "x3"],
        end_node_names=["y1", "y2"],
        net_input_shapes={"x1": [1, 3],
                          "x2": [1, 5],
                          "x3": [1, 10]}

Could not post any link and load graph image from netron. You can run my code to create onnx and load it to netron.

Feel free to ask more details

Hi @max

We currently do not support the concatenation of fully connected layers. We will work on making the error message clearer.

In the meantime, I suggest changing those fully connected layers to 1x1 convolutional layers.

Hi @lihis ,

Sorry for no responce. I had a week off. I tried replace FC layers with Conv1d. Here is my new model:

class MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.conv11 = Conv1d(3, 8, kernel_size=1)
        self.conv12 = Conv1d(5, 8, kernel_size=1)
        self.conv13 = Conv1d(10, 8, kernel_size=1)
        self.conv2 = Conv1d(24, 128, kernel_size=1)
        self.conv31 = Conv1d(128, 1, kernel_size=1)
        self.conv32 = Conv1d(128, 1, kernel_size=1) 

    def forward(self, x1, x2, x3):
        x1 = x1.unsqueeze(-1)
        x2 = x2.unsqueeze(-1)
        x3 = x3.unsqueeze(-1)
        z1 = self.conv11(x1)
        z2 = self.conv12(x2)
        z3 = self.conv13(x3)        
        z =, z2, z3), dim=1)
        z = F.relu(z)
        z = F.relu(self.conv2(z))       
        return self.conv31(z).squeeze(-1), self.conv32(z).squeeze(-1)

My input and inference:

model = MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv()
dummy_x = (torch.randn(1, 3), torch.randn(1, 5), torch.randn(1, 10))
y = model(*dummy_x)

My parse to har function:

def parse_model_to_har(onnx_path, onnx_model_name):
    print(f'[parse_model_to_har] started ...')

    hailo_model_har_name = f"{onnx_model_name}_hailo_model"
    path_to_har = os.path.join(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR_PATH, "har_models"), hailo_model_har_name + '.har')

    if os.path.exists(path_to_har):
        print(f'Model [HAR] exist at {path_to_har}. Skip ...')
        return path_to_har, hailo_model_har_name

    chosen_hw_arch = "hailo8"
    runner = ClientRunner(hw_arch=chosen_hw_arch)
    hn, npz = runner.translate_onnx_model(
        start_node_names=["x1", "x2", "x3"],
        end_node_names=["/conv31/Conv", "/conv32/Conv"],
        net_input_shapes={"x1": [1, 3],
                          "x2": [1, 5],
                          "x3": [1, 10]}

    print(f'hn: {hn}')

    print(f'Model successfully saved to har: {path_to_har}')
    return path_to_har, hailo_model_har_name

I changed end_node_names from y1 & y2 to /conv31/Conv & /conv32/Conv because of error:

hailo_sdk_client.model_translator.exceptions.ParsingWithRecommendationException: Parsing failed. The errors found in the graph are:
 UnexpectedNodeError in op /Squeeze: Unexpected node /Squeeze (Squeeze)
 UnexpectedNodeError in op /Squeeze_1: Unexpected node /Squeeze_1 (Squeeze)
Please try to parse the model again, using these end node names: /conv31/Conv, /conv32/Conv

Next what I get is:

[info] Start nodes mapped from original model: 'x3': 'MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer1', 'x1': 'MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer2', 'x2': 'MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer3'.

And error:

raise BadInputsShape(self.full_name, input_shape, data_shape)
hailo_model_optimization.acceleras.utils.acceleras_exceptions.BadInputsShape: Data shape (1, 1, 3) for layer MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer1 doesn't match network's input shape (1, 1, 10)

Idk why it change order of input. So I changed calibration code to:

def prepare_calibration_dataset_multiple_inputs(model_name, batch_size=50):
    print(f'[prepare_calibration_dataset] started ...')

    x1 = np.random.rand(batch_size, 3)
    x2 = np.random.rand(batch_size, 5)
    x3 = np.random.rand(batch_size, 10)

    calib_data = {
        f'{model_name}/input_layer1': x3,
        f'{model_name}/input_layer2': x1,
        f'{model_name}/input_layer3': x2

    return calib_data

Finally I receive next error:

[error] Mapping Failed (allocation time: 0s)
Compilation failed with exception: Flat to Frames format conversion is not supported - output feature % 8 != 0 in format_conversion1

[error] Failed to produce compiled graph
[error] BackendAllocatorException: Compilation failed: Compilation failed with exception: Flat to Frames format conversion is not supported - output feature % 8 != 0 in format_conversion1


hn: {
    "name": "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv",
    "net_params": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "stage": "HN",
        "clusters_placement": [[]],
        "clusters_to_skip": [],
        "output_layers_order": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv5", "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv6"],
        "transposed_net": false,
        "net_scopes": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv"]
    "layers": {
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer1": {
            "type": "input_layer",
            "input": [],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion1"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 10]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 10]],
            "original_names": ["x3"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "transposed": false,
            "engine": "nn_core",
            "io_type": "standard"
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion1": {
            "type": "format_conversion",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer1"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv1"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 10]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 10]],
            "original_names": ["/Unsqueeze_2"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
                "conversion_type": "flat_to_frames",
                "groups": 1
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv1": {
            "type": "conv",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion1"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/concat1"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 10]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 8]],
            "original_names": ["/conv13/Conv"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
                "kernel_shape": [1, 1, 10, 8],
                "strides": [1, 1, 1, 1],
                "dilations": [1, 1, 1, 1],
                "padding": "VALID",
                "groups": 1,
                "disparity": 1,
                "batch_norm": false,
                "elementwise_add": false,
                "activation": "linear"
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer2": {
            "type": "input_layer",
            "input": [],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion2"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 3]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 3]],
            "original_names": ["x1"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "transposed": false,
            "engine": "nn_core",
            "io_type": "standard"
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion2": {
            "type": "format_conversion",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer2"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv2"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 3]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 3]],
            "original_names": ["/Unsqueeze"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
                "conversion_type": "flat_to_frames",
                "groups": 1
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv2": {
            "type": "conv",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion2"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/concat1"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 3]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 8]],
            "original_names": ["/conv11/Conv"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
                "kernel_shape": [1, 1, 3, 8],
                "strides": [1, 1, 1, 1],
                "dilations": [1, 1, 1, 1],
                "padding": "VALID",
                "groups": 1,
                "disparity": 1,
                "batch_norm": false,
                "elementwise_add": false,
                "activation": "linear"
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer3": {
            "type": "input_layer",
            "input": [],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion3"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 5]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 5]],
            "original_names": ["x2"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "transposed": false,
            "engine": "nn_core",
            "io_type": "standard"
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion3": {
            "type": "format_conversion",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/input_layer3"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv3"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 5]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 5]],
            "original_names": ["/Unsqueeze_1"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
                "conversion_type": "flat_to_frames",
                "groups": 1
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv3": {
            "type": "conv",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/format_conversion3"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/concat1"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 5]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 8]],
            "original_names": ["/conv12/Conv"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
                "kernel_shape": [1, 1, 5, 8],
                "strides": [1, 1, 1, 1],
                "dilations": [1, 1, 1, 1],
                "padding": "VALID",
                "groups": 1,
                "disparity": 1,
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                "activation": "linear"
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/concat1": {
            "type": "concat",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv2", "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv3", "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv1"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/activation1"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 8], [-1, 1, 1, 8], [-1, 1, 1, 8]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 24]],
            "original_names": ["/Concat"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
                "concat_axis": "features"
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/activation1": {
            "type": "activation",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/concat1"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv4"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 24]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 24]],
            "original_names": ["/Relu"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
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            "type": "conv",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/activation1"],
            "output": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv5", "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv6"],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 24]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 128], [-1, 1, 1, 128]],
            "original_names": ["/conv2/Conv", "/Relu_1"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
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            "type": "conv",
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            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 128]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 1]],
            "original_names": ["/conv31/Conv"],
            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
            "params": {
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            "type": "conv",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv4"],
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            "original_names": ["/conv32/Conv"],
            "compilation_params": {},
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            "params": {
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                "strides": [1, 1, 1, 1],
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        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/output_layer1": {
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            "output": [],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 1]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 1]],
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            "compilation_params": {},
            "quantization_params": {},
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            "engine": "nn_core",
            "io_type": "standard"
        "MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/output_layer2": {
            "type": "output_layer",
            "input": ["MyModelWithMultipleInputsConv/conv6"],
            "output": [],
            "input_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 1]],
            "output_shapes": [[-1, 1, 1, 1]],
            "original_names": ["out"],
            "compilation_params": {},
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            "transposed": false,
            "engine": "nn_core",
            "io_type": "standard"