Concat17 error during custom compilation using DFC

I have a custom yolov8m model for which I’d like to run inference on the Hailo-8L Entry-Level AI Accelerator. I’m using the Dataflow Compiler to try and convert my .pt file into a .hef file. I am trying to use the notebooks from the tutorials (I accessed them by running hailo tutorialin Ubuntu), and changing the arguments from those for ResNet to those for yolov8m. I first converted my .pt model into a .onnx, and then followed the tutorial. I received no issues during the first two steps (parsing and optimization), but I am receiving this error while trying to compile using runner.compile().

No successful assignments: concat17 errors:
Agent infeasible

BackendAllocatorException Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[14], line 1
----> 1 hef = runner.compile()
3 file_name = f"{model_name}.hef"
4 with open(file_name, “wb”) as f:

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/runner/, in ClientRunner.compile(self)
884 def compile(self):
885 “”"
886 DFC API for compiling current model to Hailo hardware.
895 “”"
→ 896 return self._compile()

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_common/states/, in allowed_states…wrap…wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
12 if self._state not in states:
13 raise InvalidStateException(
14 f"The execution of {} is not available under the state: {self._state.value}",
15 )
—> 16 return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/runner/, in ClientRunner._compile(self, fps, mapping_timeout, allocator_script_filename)
1107 self._logger.warning(
1108 f"Taking model script commands from {allocator_script_filename} and ignoring "
1109 f"previous allocation script commands",
1110 )
1111 self.load_model_script(allocator_script_filename)
→ 1113 serialized_hef = self._sdk_backend.compile(fps, self.model_script, mapping_timeout)
1115 self._auto_model_script = self._sdk_backend.get_auto_alls()
1116 self._state = States.COMPILED_SLIM_MODEL if orig_state in SLIM_STATES else States.COMPILED_MODEL

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/sdk_backend/, in SdkBackendCompilation.compile(self, fps, allocator_script, mapping_timeout)
1761 def compile(self, fps, allocator_script=None, mapping_timeout=None):
1762 self._model.fill_default_quantization_params(logger=self._logger)
→ 1763 hef, mapped_graph_file = self._compile(fps, allocator_script, mapping_timeout)
1764 # TODO: Jira
1765 if not SDKPaths().is_internal:

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/sdk_backend/, in SdkBackendCompilation._compile(self, fps, allocator_script, mapping_timeout)
1751 if not model_params and self.requires_quantized_weights:
1752 raise BackendRuntimeException(
1753 "Model requires quantized weights in order to run on HW, but none were given. "
1754 “Did you forget to quantize?”,
1755 )
→ 1757 hef, mapped_graph_file, auto_alls = self.hef_full_build(fps, mapping_timeout, model_params, allocator_script)
1758 self._auto_alls = auto_alls
1759 return hef, mapped_graph_file

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/sdk_backend/, in SdkBackendCompilation.hef_full_build(self, fps, mapping_timeout, params, allocator_script)
1731 config_paths = ConfigPaths(self._hw_arch,
1732 config_paths.set_stage(“inference”)
→ 1733 auto_alls, self._hef_data, self._integrated_graph = allocator.create_mapping_and_full_build_hef(
1734 config_paths.get_path(“network_graph”),
1735 config_paths.get_path(“mapped_graph”),
1736 config_paths.get_path(“compilation_output_proto”),
1737 params=params,
1738 allocator_script=allocator_script,
1739 compiler_statistics_path=config_paths.get_path(“compiler_statistics”),
1740 nms_metadata=self._nms_metadata,
1741 har=self.har,
1742 alls_ignore_invalid_cmds=self._alls_ignore_invalid_cmds,
1743 )
1745 return self._hef_data, config_paths.get_path(“mapped_graph”), auto_alls

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/allocator/, in HailoToolsRunner.create_mapping_and_full_build_hef(self, network_graph_path, output_path, compilation_output_proto, agent, strategy, auto_mapping, params, expected_output_tensor, expected_pre_acts, network_inputs, network_outputs, allocator_script, allocator_script_mode, compiler_statistics_path, nms_metadata, har, alls_ignore_invalid_cmds)
759 if != :
760 assert (
761 len( <= self._number_of_clusters
762 ), “Number of clusters in layer placements is larger than allowed number of clusters”
→ 764 self.call_builder(
765 network_graph_path,
766 output_path,
767 compilation_output_proto=compilation_output_proto,
768 agent=agent,
769 strategy=strategy,
770 exit_point=BuilderExitPoint.POST_CAT,
771 params=params,
772 expected_output_tensor=expected_output_tensor,
773 expected_pre_acts=expected_pre_acts,
774 network_inputs=network_inputs,
775 network_outputs=network_outputs,
776 allocator_script=allocator_script,
777 allocator_script_mode=allocator_script_mode,
778 compiler_statistics_path=compiler_statistics_path,
779 nms_metadata=nms_metadata,
780 har=har,
781 alls_ignore_invalid_cmds=alls_ignore_invalid_cmds,
782 )
784 return self._auto_alls, self._output_hef_data, self._output_integrated_pb_graph

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/allocator/, in HailoToolsRunner.call_builder(self, network_graph_path, output_path, blind_deserialize, **kwargs)
694 sys.excepthook = _hailo_tools_exception_hook
695 try:
→ 696 self.run_builder(network_graph_path, output_path, **kwargs)
697 except BackendInternalException:
698 try:

File ~/yolo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/allocator/, in HailoToolsRunner.run_builder(self, network_graph_filename, output_filename, compilation_output_proto, agent, strategy, exit_point, params, expected_output_tensor, expected_pre_acts, network_inputs, network_outputs, allocator_script, allocator_script_mode, compiler_statistics_path, is_debug, nms_metadata, har, alls_ignore_invalid_cmds)
568 compiler_msg = e.hailo_tools_error
569 if compiler_msg:
→ 570 raise e.internal_exception(“Compilation failed:”, hailo_tools_error=compiler_msg) from None
571 else:
572 raise e.internal_exception(“Compilation failed with unexpected crash”) from None

BackendAllocatorException: Compilation failed: No successful assignments: concat17 errors:
Agent infeasible

What is the issue here, and what can I do to resolve it? Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Hey @Ajitesh_Dasaratha,

This issue can arise from the concat not being in the specific way we support it:

Concat layers are supported in Hailo but with specific limitations:

  • Only supports concatenation in the features dimension
  • Limited to 4 inputs maximum
  • Concat command handles only two input layers at a time in model scripts

Your “Agent Infeasible” error likely means:

  1. Your concat operation has too many inputs
  2. The concat operation is too large for direct implementation


  1. Split large concat operations into sequential smaller ones:
concat1 = concat([layer1, layer2], intermediate_concat)
concat2 = concat([intermediate_concat, layer3], final_concat)
  1. Alternative approaches:
  • Use Output Multiplexing (output_mux) for tensors with different scales/dimensions
  • Consider feature splitting (feature_splitter) or shape splitting (shape_splitter)