Coding with Hailo-Application-Code-Examples on Raspberry pi 5

Hello, I have a Raspberry Pi 5 with Hailo support, and I successfully installed the necessary libraries in my virtual environment in Visual Studio Code using the newly released Python API. I tried running the yolox.hef file I developed for the Raspberry Pi 5 with the code from the Hailo-Application-Code-Examples repository on GitHub, but I encountered an error. How can I resolve this issue?Thank you.

resized_img = cv2.resize(frame, (INPUT_RES_H, INPUT_RES_W), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
with InferVStreams(network_group, input_vstreams_params, output_vstreams_params) as infer_pipeline:
input_data = { np.expand_dims(np.asarray(resized_img), axis=0).astype(np.float32)}
with network_group.activate(network_group_params):
infer_results = infer_pipeline.infer(input_data)

        # create dictionary that returns layer name from tensor shape (required for postprocessing)
        layer_from_shape: dict = {infer_results[key].shape:key for key in infer_results.keys()}

Error Message:

Exception has occurred: AttributeError
‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’
File “/home/halil/hailo_platform_venv/”, line 67, in
layer_from_shape: dict = {infer_results[key].shape:key for key in infer_results.keys()}
File “/home/halil/hailo_platform_venv/”, line 67, in
layer_from_shape: dict = {infer_results[key].shape:key for key in infer_results.keys()}
AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’