Hello,me again.I downloaded code from github but I got error.How can I solve that?
with VDevice(device_ids=devices) as target:
configure_params = ConfigureParams.create_from_hef(hef, interface=HailoStreamInterface.PCIe)
network_group = target.configure(hef, configure_params)[0]
[HailoRT] [error] CHECK failed - max_desc_page_size given 16384 is bigger than hw max desc page size 4096
[HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_INTERNAL_FAILURE(8)
[HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_INTERNAL_FAILURE(8)
[HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_INTERNAL_FAILURE(8)
Exception has occurred: HailoRTException
libhailort failed with error: 8 (HAILO_INTERNAL_FAILURE)
hailo_platform.pyhailort._pyhailort.HailoRTStatusException: 8
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
File “/home/halil/hailo_platform_venv/son.py”, line 23, in
network_group = target.configure(hef, configure_params)[0]
hailo_platform.pyhailort.pyhailort.HailoRTException: libhailort failed with error: 8 (HAILO_INTERNAL_FAILURE)