Windows Install - Procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library

Hello all,

This is my first post here so please help direct me if it is in the incorrect location/format etc.

I am trying to install and run the Hailo integration tool on Windows 24H2. The error that is presenting itself seems to be unique, as I haven’t found a similar post regarding it.

A photo of the error is attached to this forum post and is transcribed here:
The procedure entry point ?get_chip_temperature@Device@hailort@@QEAA?AV?$Expected@Uhailo_chip_temperature_info_t@@@2@XZ could not be loacted in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\hailo_integration_tool\hailo-accelerator-integration-tool.exe.

This error occurs when I try to run the .exe file. I’ve tried running as administrator and in the terminal.

I was able to successfully install and run this in a linux environment, but am stuck here for Windows. Any help is appreciated, thanks!