Unable to download compiled yolov8n_seg.hef

While trying to download the compiled yolov8n_seg.hef fromyolov8n_seg.hef I am getting the following error:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.


Access Denied


HR7DXYOjbm7bpDeVVCe3d8vUy6ncsfonAqr7/bjHxmw6zDPtlAw7iSaWmX4***************=(***** used for obfuscation)

Kindly help me out if possible, i’ll be truly grateful.
Thank you

Hi @deepeshbhardwaj2003,

You’re right, it seems there is an issue with downloading the HEF for the yolov8n_seg model. However, if you need to use it soon, I recommend downloading the pretrained model available in the Model Zoo repository. You can find it at the following link: Model Zoo - Instance Segmentation. This model is available in ONNX format, and you can then use the Dataflow Compiler to convert it to HEF while the download issue is being resolved.
I hope this helps!

Best regards,

Oscar Mendez
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
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