tappas erroneous pipeline: no element "hailofilter"

log as follow:
Running yolov5
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=/home/forlinx/tappas-3.28.1/apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/detection/resources/detection.mp4 name=src_0 ! decodebin ! queue leaky=no max-size-buffers=30 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoscale qos=false n-threads=2 ! video/x-raw, pixel-aspect-ratio=1/1 ! queue leaky=no max-size-buffers=30 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoconvert n-threads=2 qos=false ! queue leaky=no max-size-buffers=30 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hailonet hef-path=/home/forlinx/tappas-3.28.1/apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/detection/resources/yolov5m_wo_spp_60p.hef batch-size=1 nms-score-threshold=0.3 nms-iou-threshold=0.45 output-format-type=HAILO_FORMAT_TYPE_FLOAT32 ! queue leaky=no max-size-buffers=30 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hailofilter function-name=yolov5 so-path=/home/forlinx/tappas-3.28.1/apps/h8/gstreamer/libs/post_processes//libyolo_hailortpp_post.so config-path=/home/forlinx/tappas-3.28.1/apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/detection/resources/configs/yolov5.json qos=false ! queue leaky=no max-size-buffers=30 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hailooverlay qos=false ! queue leaky=no max-size-buffers=30 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoconvert n-threads=2 qos=false ! queue leaky=no max-size-buffers=30 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! fpsdisplaysink video-sink=xvimagesink text-overlay=false name=hailo_display sync=false
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element “hailofilter”

refer to this site :
Tappas example: detection.sh fails due to no element “hailofilter” - General - Hailo Community
but in my board :

[100%] Linking CXX shared library libgsthailo.so
[100%] Built target gsthailo
~/tappas-3.28.1/core/hailo ~/tappas-3.28.1
Compiling Hailo Gstreamer target all, with 4 cpu cores, build type release --reconfigure
Directory does not contain a valid build tree:
idont know how to do?

Hello @839602830,

Let’s try the following steps to resolve your issue:

  1. Update your GStreamer Plugin Path: Run this command in your terminal, replacing “/path/to/hailo/plugin/directory” with the actual path to your Hailo plugin folder:
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=$GST_PLUGIN_PATH:/path/to/hailo/plugin/directory
  1. Check if the plugin is now recognized: After updating the path, run this command:
gst-inspect-1.0 hailofilter

If you see detailed information about the plugin, it means GStreamer has successfully recognized it.

(hailo_venv) hailo2@hailo2-GK41:~/hailo_ai_sw_suite/artifacts/tappas$ echo $GST_PLUGIN_PATH
(hailo_venv) hailo2@hailo2-GK41:~/hailo_ai_sw_suite/artifacts/tappas$ gst-inspect-1.0 hailofilter
No such element or plugin ‘hailofilter’

I tried doing this, still got this error, any way how to resolve this

I thought that maybe I provided the wrong plugin path, but then I tried this path also, and I got the same error.
Path which I tried: