Raspberrie Pi5 AI Kit Yolo OBB

Good day! I would like to know if the implementation of the OBB model is planned in the near future. I work with Yolo OBB and I am very interested in the AI ​​Kit for YOLO, but the lack of OBB is very upsetting. I saw a post about the integration of non-standard models, but unfortunately I will not understand without a detailed guide.


Hey @nickdmnv,

Welcome to the Hailo Community!

Currently, we don’t have YOLO OBB officially supported in our Model Zoo. However, several community members have successfully implemented it, and we’d be happy to help you do the same.

The process involves two main steps:

  1. Compiling your model to our .hef format
  2. Writing a custom post-processing implementation (it’s quite straightforward!)

I’d be more than happy to guide you through this process if you’d like to try it.

Additionally, I’ll check with our R&D team about potentially adding YOLO OBB to our official support timeline and will update you on that.

Let me know if you’d like to proceed with the implementation, and we can get started!

Best regards,

Thank you! At this stage I will try to solve the problem myself. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll turn to you for support!