Quesetion about hailo-all and hailort

I noticed that Hailo-all is for raspberry pi. But I can also install hailort and Tapps to run like object detection and so on. And Tapps support more objects than hailo-all, so what is the difference between those two ways to use AI kit on raspberry.
Can I consider hailo-all as your optimized version of hailort + tappas for Raspberry Pi?
And will the same pipeline will run faster on hailoall?

When you install hailo-all you will get the integration of HailoRT and examples from Raspberry. They will test that everything is working correctly with their current version of Raspberry OS before they release an update.

When you install HailoRT and Tappas, you may be able to use the very latest version as soon as it is released. However, you will not receive the examples from Raspberry Pi, nor will you benefit from the additional testing done by the Raspberry Pi team.

There should not be any difference in performance of the network (HEF) itself. However the official examples may work better as the Raspberry Pi team have more knowledge about their own software components e.g. for the Pi cameras.

Thank you very much for your explanation, it was very helpful.