I am creating a vision application properly tested on rasberrypi5 along with Hailo 8 AI kit. Now the thing is I am creating an standalone installation setup for it. And I want whenever I provide this installable setup to anyone. Only specific packages along with specific version are installed, same goes for Hailort version. How do i do that?
Hi @malikharis3984,
- HailoRT is available on GitHub under MIT license, so you can download a tagged version and compile it for your architecture.
- Alternatively, old versions of HailoRT are available as DEB packages for arm64 in the Software Downloads of the Hailo Developer Zone (you need to select Archive). However, please note that the DEB files include third-party dependencies, each one with its own license. If you are redistributing the package, you have to ensure compliance with all included licenses.
In my project I used sudo apt install hailo-all for hailo packages. I want to make exe so that it can run on any system but hailo packages are not building in that exe. So what should i do in order to properly build hailo packages also in exe?
Hi @malikharis3984,
What is the target platform and OS?
The hailo-all apt package is available only for Raspberry OS, and it is not just HailoRT (it also includes the Hailo PCIe driver and other components like tappas-core)
The target platform is Raspberry OS but I am making a full product. I want something like when when i gave that exe to someone and he power ON Raspberrypi OS all packages of hailo should be installed automatically without requiring him to install anything manually. How to make that kind of exe?