I am using the HailoGallery via json file for face recognition. At the moment the Tappas save_faces.sh
script only creates one embedding per face. Is it possible to add multiple embeddings for a person’s face (for example different face angles etc) to maximize recognition is it only possible to have one embedding per face?
These are the recognition and gallery pipelines that I am using.
recognition_pipeline = (
f"hailonet hef-path={self.recognition_hef} scheduling-algorithm=1 vdevice-key={self.vdevice_key} ! "
+QUEUE("recognition_pre_agg_q", max_size_buffers=30, leaky="no")
+f"hailofilter function-name={self.recognition_function_name} so-path={self.recognition_so} name=face_recognition_hailofilter qos=false ! "
+QUEUE("recognition_post_agg_q", max_size_buffers=30, leaky="no")
+"agg2. agg2. ! "
gallery_pipeline = (
f"hailogallery gallery-file-path={self.local_gallery_file} "
+"load-local-gallery=true similarity-thr=.4 gallery-queue-size=20 class-id=-1 ! "
Thank you.