toying around with the rpicam-apps (yolov8 pose detection example), I found that I would like to adjust the PostProcFuncPtr filter(...)
function’s behavior.
However, I seem to be unable to find the corresponding source code: The package hailo-tappas-core-3.28.2
which is shipped with the RPi AI kit indicates the version 3.28.2, which has not been uploaded to github → hailo-ai/tappas. The version 3.28.1 seems to be missing the yolov8 parts.
I have found github → hailo-ai/Hailo-Application-Code-Examples/blob/main/runtime/cpp/pose_estimation/yolov8_pose/yolov8pose_postprocess.cpp, but this looks like a forked portion of tapas on the first sight (?)
Also, that hailo-application-code-examples code seems to be full of hard coded numbers/defines. This suggests that it’s recommended to copy & paste these portions into our application code (which can, however, be tricky with the code being LGPL licensed)
This all leaves me a bit puzzled about using the sample code as a starting point for exploration.