Hot completely turn off logs

I am trying to guess how to turn off logging on a Hailo 8L device running on a Raspberry Pi 5. On another post on this forum I found someone mentioning

os.environ['HAILORT_LOG_LEVEL'] = 'debug'

There are files named hailort.log being created automatically with content like:

[2024-12-28 21:38:33.604] [35932] [HailoRT] [info] [pipeline.cpp:872] [print_deep_description] PushQEl6AsyncHwEl | inputs: AsyncHwEl | outputs: PostInferEl6AsyncHwEl
[2024-12-28 21:38:33.604] [35932] [HailoRT] [info] [pipeline.cpp:872] [print_deep_description] PostInferEl6AsyncHwEl | inputs: PushQEl6AsyncHwEl | outputs: LastAsyncEl0PostInferEl6AsyncHwEl
[2024-12-28 21:38:33.604] [35932] [HailoRT] [info] [pipeline.cpp:872] [print_deep_description] LastAsyncEl0PostInferEl6AsyncHwEl | inputs: PostInferEl6AsyncHwEl | outputs: user
[2024-12-28 21:38:33.604] [35932] [HailoRT] [info] [pipeline.cpp:872] [print_deep_description] PushQEl7AsyncHwEl | inputs: AsyncHwEl | outputs: PostInferEl7AsyncHwEl
[2024-12-28 21:38:33.604] [35932] [HailoRT] [info] [pipeline.cpp:872] [print_deep_description] PostInferEl7AsyncHwEl | inputs: PushQEl7AsyncHwEl | outputs: LastAsyncEl0PostInferEl7AsyncHwEl
[2024-12-28 21:38:33.604] [35932] [HailoRT] [info] [pipeline.cpp:872] [print_deep_description] LastAsyncEl0PostInferEl7AsyncHwEl | inputs: PostInferEl7AsyncHwEl | outputs: user
[2024-12-28 21:38:33.604] [35932] [HailoRT] [info] [pipeline.cpp:872] [print_deep_description] LastAsyncEl8AsyncHwEl | inputs: AsyncHwEl | outputs: user

But I cant find any documentation regarding all available log levels and other logging environment variables like stopping logs fully.

TLDR: How do I turn off logging?

Have a look at the HailoRT User guide → Running Inference → Environment Variables.

HAILORT_LOGGER_PATH - Setting the value to NONE will disable the log file