Help with inference/post-processing for the scrfd model for face detection

Hi, I’m trying to run the scrfd_2.5g model on Hailo 8 for face detection in Python, but I’m having some troubles with post-processing the results.

I managed to run the model, but the post-processing doesn’t give me correct bounding boxes or keypoints. The biggest issue is that there are no complete examples of the post-processing and I’m not sure what’s going wrong.

I found one example of post-processing code, but I can’t connect it to an inference script somewhere. hailo_model_zoo/hailo_model_zoo/core/postprocessing/face_detection/ at master · hailo-ai/hailo_model_zoo · GitHub

Since I don’t want to run it in TensorFlow, I’m looking to run the post-processing in NumPy instead. So, I ported this script into NumPy. I managed to get the bounding boxes working correctly after some trial and error by scaling the network outputs by 32, the downsampling the network does I believe. This seems weird, but it fixed my bounding boxes.

Unfortunately the key points are offset by about 55 pixels to the right and down in the image and I don’t know why. Would appreciate some help on this.

What are the scale from the outputs of the network?
Why might my keypoints be shifted like this?
Any other advice for how to get this to run in Python without tensorflow?

I got the model from here. hailo_model_zoo/docs/public_models/HAILO8/HAILO8_face_detection.rst at master · hailo-ai/hailo_model_zoo · GitHub

@omria Hi, tagging you as you seem knowledgable in this area.

My network outputs for the face landmarks are in UINT8, but I need them to be converted to float32 and dequantized properly - but I don’t have the dequantization values since I didn’t quantize the model myself.

Related post: Where to quantize inputs - #5 by omria

I’ve solved my issue by rescaling the landmark outputs from the network from uint8 → float32 and applying a denormalization.

I’m getting pretty good results, but they aren’t as good as the official insightface using the ONNX file. I was wondering if this is because the model is quantized and therefor lose some accuracy, or if it’s because some other reason.

@omria Do you have any ideas?

You can see here that the results are a few pixels off.

Here is my code

import os
import queue
import sys
import threading

import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Add the project root to the Python path
project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
sys.path.insert(0, project_root)

from import HailoAsyncInference
from nvr.util.image import SharedMemoryFrameManager
from nvr.config import PixelFormatEnum
from import SCRFDPostProc
from pathlib import Path

class FaceDetector:
    def __init__(
        image_dims=(640, 640),
        self.image_dims = image_dims
        self.frame_manager = SharedMemoryFrameManager()
        self.input_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.output_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.inference = HailoAsyncInference(

        self.inference_thread = threading.Thread(
        print("Face detection thread started")

        config = {
            "nms_iou_thresh": 0.25,
            "score_threshold": 0.5,
            "anchors": {
                "steps": [8, 16, 32],
                "min_sizes": [
                    [16, 32],
                    [64, 128],
                    [256, 512]

        self.postprocessor = SCRFDPostProc(

    def run_network_inference(self, input_batch):
        # Create shared memory buffers for each input
        shm_names = []
        for batch_item in input_batch:
            shm_name = f"face_detection_{id(batch_item)}"
            buffer = self.frame_manager.create(shm_name, batch_item.nbytes)
            buffer[:] = batch_item.tobytes()
            shm_names.append((shm_name, batch_item.shape))

        # Send to inference queue

        # Collect results
        results = []
        for _ in input_batch:
            _, result = self.output_queue.get()

        # Clean up shared memory
        for shm_name, _ in shm_names:

        return results
    def preprocess_image(self,image: Image.Image) -> np.ndarray:
        image = image.convert("RGB")
        image = image.resize(self.image_dims)
        image = np.array(image)
        return image
    def rescale_network_outputs(self, outputs):
        box_layer_names = ["scrfd_2_5g/conv43", "scrfd_2_5g/conv50", "scrfd_2_5g/conv56"]
        class_layer_names = ["scrfd_2_5g/conv42", "scrfd_2_5g/conv49", "scrfd_2_5g/conv55"]
        landmark_layer_names = ["scrfd_2_5g/conv44", "scrfd_2_5g/conv51", "scrfd_2_5g/conv57"]

        rescaled_outputs = []
        for output_name, output in outputs[0].items():
            # Convert to float32 to avoid overflow
            output = output.astype(np.float32)

            if output_name in box_layer_names:
                downscale_factor = 32 # Magic number, but probably the maximum downscale factor
                output = output / downscale_factor
            elif output_name in class_layer_names:
                # From range UINT8 [0, 255] to FLOAT32 [0, 1]
                output = output / 255
            elif output_name in landmark_layer_names:
                # Converts from Qunatized UINT8 to FLOAT32
                # These are approximate values as I couldn't find the exact values in the model
                # Exact values are determined when they compile from onnx to hef
                zero_point = 113
                scale = 29
                output = (output - zero_point) / scale
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown output name: {output_name}")
            reshaped = output.reshape(1, -1, output.shape[-1])

        return rescaled_outputs

    def detect(self, image):
        preprocessed_image = self.preprocess_image(image)
        net_outs = self.run_network_inference([preprocessed_image])
        rescaled_outputs = self.rescale_network_outputs(net_outs)
        results = self.postprocessor.main(rescaled_outputs)
        return results

    def stop(self):
        print("Stopping face detection")
        print("Face detection thread stopped")

def plot_boxes_on_image(image, results, outpath):
        """Plot detection boxes and facial landmarks on the image."""
        image_with_boxes = image.copy()
        height, width = image.shape[:2]
        # Get first item in batch
        boxes = results['detection_boxes'][0]
        scores = results['detection_scores'][0]
        landmarks = results['face_landmarks'][0]

        # Draw each box and its landmarks
        for i, (box, score) in enumerate(zip(boxes, scores)):
            # Draw bounding box
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = box
            x1, x2 = int(x1 * width), int(x2 * width)
            y1, y2 = int(y1 * height), int(y2 * height)
            cv2.rectangle(image_with_boxes, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 2)
            # Draw score
            score_text = f"Score: {score:.2f}"
            cv2.putText(image_with_boxes, score_text, (x1, y1-10), 
                       cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 2)
            # Draw landmarks
            landmarks_points = landmarks[i]
            for j in range(0, len(landmarks_points), 2):
                x = int(landmarks_points[j] * width)
                y = int(landmarks_points[j + 1] * height)
      , (x, y), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1)
        cv2.imwrite(str(outpath), image_with_boxes)
        return image_with_boxes

def main():
    print("Starting face detection...")
    hef_path = "models/scrfd_2.5g-hailo8.hef"
    image_paths = [Path(img_path) for img_path in Path("sample_images/face").glob("*.jpg")]

    image_dims = (640, 640)
    face_detector = FaceDetector(hef_path=hef_path, image_dims=image_dims)

        for img_path in image_paths:
            image =
            print("Image read successfully")
            print(f"Image shape: {image.size}")

            results = face_detector.detect(image)
            outpath = Path("outputs") / f"face_detection/{}"
            outpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

            # Plot the results on the image
            preprocessed_image = face_detector.preprocess_image(image)
            opencv_image = cv2.cvtColor(preprocessed_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            plot_boxes_on_image(opencv_image, results, outpath=outpath)


if __name__ == "__main__":

import numpy as np

# Post processing code ported and modified from

# Non maximum suppression code mostly taken from

def box_iou_batch(boxes_a: np.ndarray, boxes_b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:

        def box_area(box):
            return (box[2] - box[0]) * (box[3] - box[1])

        area_a = box_area(boxes_a.T)
        area_b = box_area(boxes_b.T)

        top_left = np.maximum(boxes_a[:, None, :2], boxes_b[:, :2])
        bottom_right = np.minimum(boxes_a[:, None, 2:], boxes_b[:, 2:])

        area_inter =
            np.clip(bottom_right - top_left, a_min=0, a_max=None), 2)
        return area_inter / (area_a[:, None] + area_b - area_inter)

def non_max_suppression(prediction_boxes: np.ndarray, prediction_scores: np.ndarray, iou_threshold: float) -> np.ndarray:
    classes = np.ones_like(prediction_scores) # Note: Only supports one class
    # Reshape our values to expected shape [x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class]
    predictions = np.concatenate([prediction_boxes, prediction_scores[:, np.newaxis], classes[:, np.newaxis]], axis=1)
    rows, columns = predictions.shape

    sort_index = np.flip(predictions[:, 4].argsort())
    predictions = predictions[sort_index]

    boxes = predictions[:, :4]
    categories = predictions[:, 5]
    ious = box_iou_batch(boxes, boxes)
    ious = ious - np.eye(rows)

    keep = np.ones(rows, dtype=bool)

    for index, (iou, category) in enumerate(zip(ious, categories)):
        if not keep[index]:

        condition = (iou > iou_threshold) & (categories == category)
        keep = keep & ~condition

    return keep[sort_index.argsort()]

class SCRFDPostProc(object):

    def __init__(self, image_dims, nms_iou_thresh, score_threshold, anchors):
        self._image_dims = image_dims
        self._nms_iou_thresh = nms_iou_thresh
        self._score_threshold = score_threshold
        self._num_branches = len(anchors["steps"])
        self.anchors = anchors
        if anchors is None:
            raise ValueError("Missing detection anchors metadata")
        self._anchors = self.extract_anchors(anchors["min_sizes"], anchors["steps"])

    def collect_box_class_predictions(self, output_branches):
        box_predictors_list = []
        class_predictors_list = []
        landmarks_predictors_list = []
        num_branches = self._num_branches
        assert len(output_branches) % num_branches == 0, "All branches must have the same number of output nodes"
        num_output_nodes_per_branch = len(output_branches) // num_branches
        for branch_index in range(0, len(output_branches), num_output_nodes_per_branch):
            num_of_batches = output_branches[branch_index].shape[0]
            box_predictors_list.append(output_branches[branch_index].reshape(num_of_batches, -1, 4))
                output_branches[branch_index + 1].reshape(num_of_batches, -1, self.NUM_CLASSES)

            if num_output_nodes_per_branch > 2:
                    output_branches[branch_index + 2].reshape(num_of_batches, -1, 10)

        box_predictors = np.concatenate(box_predictors_list, axis=1)
        class_predictors = np.concatenate(class_predictors_list, axis=1)
        landmarks_predictors = np.concatenate(landmarks_predictors_list, axis=1) if landmarks_predictors_list else None
        return box_predictors, class_predictors, landmarks_predictors

    def extract_anchors(self, min_sizes, steps):
        anchors = []
        for stride, min_size in zip(steps, min_sizes):
            height = self._image_dims[0] // stride
            width = self._image_dims[1] // stride
            num_anchors = len(min_size)

            anchor_centers = np.stack(np.mgrid[:height, :width][::-1], axis=-1).astype(np.float32)
            anchor_centers = (anchor_centers * stride).reshape((-1, 2))
            anchor_centers[:, 0] /= self._image_dims[0]
            anchor_centers[:, 1] /= self._image_dims[1]
            if num_anchors > 1:
                anchor_centers = np.stack([anchor_centers] * num_anchors, axis=1).reshape((-1, 2))
            anchor_scales = np.ones_like(anchor_centers, dtype=np.float32) * stride
            anchor_scales[:, 0] /= self._image_dims[0]
            anchor_scales[:, 1] /= self._image_dims[1]
            anchor = np.concatenate([anchor_centers, anchor_scales], axis=1)
        return np.concatenate(anchors, axis=0)

    def _decode_landmarks(self, landmarks_detections, anchors):
        preds = []
        for i in range(0, self.NUM_LANDMARKS, 2):
            px = anchors[:, 0] + landmarks_detections[:, i] * anchors[:, 2]
            py = anchors[:, 1] + landmarks_detections[:, i + 1] * anchors[:, 3]
        return np.stack(preds, axis=-1)

    def _decode_boxes(self, box_detections, anchors):
        x1 = anchors[:, 0] - box_detections[:, 0] * anchors[:, 2]
        y1 = anchors[:, 1] - box_detections[:, 1] * anchors[:, 3]
        x2 = anchors[:, 0] + box_detections[:, 2] * anchors[:, 2]
        y2 = anchors[:, 1] + box_detections[:, 3] * anchors[:, 3]
        return np.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], axis=-1)

    def main(self, endnodes):
        box_predictions, classes_predictions, landmarks_predictors = self.collect_box_class_predictions(endnodes)
        additional_fields = {}

        detection_scores = classes_predictions
        batch_size, num_proposals = box_predictions.shape[:2]

        tiled_anchor_boxes = np.tile(self._anchors[np.newaxis, :, :], [batch_size, 1, 1])
        tiled_anchors_boxlist = tiled_anchor_boxes.reshape(-1, 4)

        decoded_boxes = self._decode_boxes(box_predictions.reshape(-1, 4), tiled_anchors_boxlist)
        detection_boxes = decoded_boxes.reshape(batch_size, num_proposals, 4)

        decoded_landmarks = self._decode_landmarks(
            landmarks_predictors.reshape(-1, 10), tiled_anchors_boxlist
        decoded_landmarks = decoded_landmarks.reshape(batch_size, num_proposals, 10)
        detection_boxes = np.expand_dims(detection_boxes, axis=2)

        nmsed_boxes, nmsed_scores, nmsed_landmarks = (

        num_detections = nmsed_scores.size
        results = {
            "detection_boxes": nmsed_boxes,
            "detection_scores": nmsed_scores,
            "num_detections": num_detections,
            "face_landmarks": nmsed_landmarks

        return results

    def _batch_multiclass_nms(self, boxes, scores, landmarks):
        assert boxes.shape[0] == 1, "Batch size must be 1"

        batch_boxes = boxes[0, :, 0, :]  # Shape: [num_boxes, 4]
        batch_scores = scores[0, :, 0]  # Shape: [num_boxes]
        batch_landmarks = landmarks[0]  # Shape: [num_boxes, 10]

        # Filter based on score threshold
        score_mask = batch_scores >= self._score_threshold
        filtered_boxes = batch_boxes[score_mask]
        filtered_scores = batch_scores[score_mask]
        filtered_landmarks = batch_landmarks[score_mask]

        # Apply non-max suppression
        keep_indices = non_max_suppression(

        # Apply the keep indices to all our tensors
        nmsed_boxes = filtered_boxes[keep_indices]
        nmsed_scores = filtered_scores[keep_indices]
        nmsed_landmarks = filtered_landmarks[keep_indices]

        # Add batch dimension back
        nmsed_boxes = np.expand_dims(nmsed_boxes, axis=0)
        nmsed_scores = np.expand_dims(nmsed_scores, axis=0)
        nmsed_landmarks = np.expand_dims(nmsed_landmarks, axis=0)
        return nmsed_boxes, nmsed_scores, nmsed_landmarks

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = {
        "nms_iou_thresh": 0.4,
        "score_threshold": 0.02,
        "anchors": {
            "steps": [8, 16, 32],
            "min_sizes": [
                [16, 32],
                [64, 128],
                [256, 512]

    postprocessor = SCRFDPostProc(
        image_dims=(640, 640),

Hello @olof,

Welcome to the Hailo Community!

The inference API results can be either in integer or floating point format, depending on the settings that you used when configuring the output vstreams.

Since you are using the example HailoAsyncInference object without any arguments, the results of the inference are in UINT8 format. HailoAsyncInference class exposes additional arguments to set input / output format (e.g. output_type.
Just a quick note: the HailoAsyncInference class is just an example and it is not part of HailoRT APIs. The same behavior can be achieved when configuring the vstreams with the HailoRT API.

  • When the output is set to UINT8 it means that the inference results has to be de-quantized (i.e. rescaled and shifted) manually if you want to get the floating point representation.
    Scale and zero points can be obtained from the HEF file in the following way:

    from hailo_platform import HEF
    hef = HEF("your_hef_path")
    output_vstream_info = hef.get_output_vstream_infos()
    for output_info in output_vstream_info:
      print("Scale: {}".format(output_info.quant_info.qp_scale))
      print("Zero point: {}\n".format(output_info.quant_info.qp_zp))

    To get the floating point result, you should subtracted the zero point from the output data and then multiplied the result by qp_scale.

  • When the output is set to FLOAT32, HailoRT will take care of that transformation for you and the results of the inference will be already de-quantized.

Please try the approach that you prefer, to make sure that the de-quantization was done properly in your code.

For the accuracy topic, it could also be an optimization issue, but first of all I would make sure that the pipeline is fine. Furthermore, if the model is the same or similar to the one of the Hailo model Zoo, I would try running the hailomz evaluation pipeline and check the behavior of the model independently from your code.

1 Like

We have integrated postprocessor for the SCRFD models into PySDK thereby making it easy to run these models. Most of your code was correct: we made minor improvements so that the dequantization of output tensors based on values returned by device (as suggested by @pierrem). Now the same postprocessor can be used for all the 3 flavors of SCRFD models: 10g, 2.5g, and 500m.
Here is a link to our post in case you are interested: SCRFD Model Support in DeGirum PySDK