HEF format is not compatible with device

After running “hailomz compile” with my trained model .onnx on raspberrypi5 with hat
got such error

[HailoRT] [error] HEF format is not compatible with device. Device arch: HAILO8L, HEF arch: HAILO8
[HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_INVALID_HEF(26)
[HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_INVALID_HEF(26)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_platform/pyhailort/pyhailort.py”, line 2643, in configure
configured_ngs_handles = self._vdevice.configure(hef._hef, configure_params_by_name)
hailo_platform.pyhailort._pyhailort.HailoRTStatusException: 26

How can i compile a file needed for my device?
Thank you

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Already found decision
we should run compile with “–hw-arch hailo8l” line


Welcome to the Hailo Community!

Well done.

Let me continue this topie.

How to convert the HEF provided by tappas

➜  hef git:(master) ✗ ls
arcface_mobilefacenet_nv12.hef                        lprnet.hef                      scrfd_10g_nv12.hef              yolov5m_vehicles.hef
arcface_mobilefacenet_v1.hef                          mspn_regnetx_800mf.hef          scrfd_2.5g.hef                  yolov5m_wo_spp_60p.hef
centerpose_regnetx_1.6gf_fpn.hef                      nanodet_repvgg.hef              ssd_mobilenet_v1.hef            yolov5n_seg.hef
fast_depth.hef                                        repvgg_a0_person_reid_2048.hef  ssd_mobilenet_v1_visdrone.hef   yolov5s_personface_reid.hef
joined_centerpose_repvgg_a0_center_nms_joint_nms.hef  resnet_v1_50.hef                tddfa_mobilenet_v1.hef          yolov8m.hef
lightface_slim.hef                                    scrfd_10g.hef                   tiny_yolov4_license_plates.hef  yolovx_l_leaky.hef

to be HAILO8L compatible??? for I got the same error messages:

[HailoRT] [error] HEF format is not compatible with device. Device arch: HAILO8L, HEF arch: HAILO8