Hailo-8 Device Identification Issues on Raspberry Pi 5

I’m facing issues identifying my Hailo-8 device on a Raspberry Pi 5 using HailoRT CLI. Commands like fw-control identify and scan return HAILO_DRIVER_FAIL(36). The device appears in lspci, firmware loads correctly, and /dev/hailo0 is created with proper permissions. I’ve followed PCIe troubleshooting steps from the repository, but the problem persists.

Hi @hyperion,
How have you installed the hailo SW on the Raspberry Pi device?

seems like something basic went off.

Hi, I have exactly the same issue on my RPi5.
I followed these instructions to install the hardware/software:

Additional info:
I’m using the latest Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit)
Release date: July 4th 2024

I got it working. I started from a clean OS installation and did not do an apt full-upgrade. But this step is necessary to have it working.

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Hi, Thanks I did a clean OS installation and followed the instructions on the link and its now working , just having trouble making sure it is using PCle 3 even after setting it in raspi-config