I want to parse a custom onnx model with Data Compiler 3.30 in order to have a compatible hef file for hailort 4.20 for hailo8l.
I am encountering problems with a flatten layer that requires changing the output nodes varying the expected output of my model because the operation is not supported:
[info] Simplified ONNX model for a parsing retry attempt (completion time: 00:00:02.70)
Parsing failed with recommendations for end node names: ['/Concat', '/Concat_2', '/analyze_cls_feat.1/norm.1/BatchNormalization', '/Concat_1', '/analyze_cls_feat.0/norm.0/BatchNormalization', '/analyze_cls_feat.2/norm.2/BatchNormalization'].
Would you like to parse again with the recommendation? (y/n)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/local/workspace/hailo_virtualenv/bin/hailo", line 8, in <module>
File "/local/workspace/hailo_virtualenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/tools/cmd_utils/main.py", line 111, in main
ret_val = client_command_runner.run()
File "/local/workspace/hailo_virtualenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_platform/tools/hailocli/main.py", line 64, in run
ret_val = self._run(argv)
File "/local/workspace/hailo_virtualenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_platform/tools/hailocli/main.py", line 111, in _run
return args.func(args)
File "/local/workspace/hailo_virtualenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/tools/parser_cli.py", line 223, in run
return self._handle_recommendation_exception(err, args, net_name, tensor_shapes, command, save_model)
File "/local/workspace/hailo_virtualenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/tools/parser_cli.py", line 250, in _handle_recommendation_exception
raise ParsingWithRecommendationCLIException(
hailo_sdk_client.tools.parser_cli.ParsingWithRecommendationCLIException: Parsing failed. The errors found in the graph are:
UnsupportedShuffleLayerError in op /analyze_cls_feat.0/flatten/Flatten: Failed to determine type of layer to create in node /analyze_cls_feat.0/flatten/Flatten
The same model was correctly parsed and compiled with Data Compiler version 3.28 for hailort version 4.18.
Are there any suggestions on how to proceed?