Error encountered during onnx to hef converstion

@nina-vilela, I’m able to resolve GPU issue, and also I’m able to use GPU inside the hailo sw suite container.

Earlier, I used to get this warning, by saying GPU not detected, Now, I’m not able to see this warning.

Now, I’m not getting that error,


Also, for 5157 images calibrating, it is taking nearly 20 mins, now, after using GPU it is taking only 4 and half a minute.

This is content in my yolov8n.alls script file

even though, I’m enabling adaround post quantization algorithm it is skipping.

Also, one more thing, for adround algorithm, if i use per layer adaround,

it is not skipping, also it is using default images set only 1024, even though I’m proving the dataset_size=5157.

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  1. Even though, I’m enabling adaround post quantization algorithm it is skipping. Why?

  2. For adround algorithm, if I use per layer adaround, it is not skipping, also it is using default images set only 1024, even though I’m proving the dataset_size=5157. Why?