Docs of functions used in rpi5examples?

Hi, i got the hailo 8L chip for my raspberry pi 5. The idea i had in my had was to just rework my existing script a little bit and use it to run inference on my streams (kind of as a drop in replacement). This now appears to have been very optimistic.

So far i see a bunch of functions from the hailo python bindings being called in the rpi 5 examples, but i have yet to trace where these are documented, i’ve registered here to try to access the docs but the link just redirects back to the forum.

What im looking for is a descriptive list (can also be code) where the functions that are called in rpi5examples are documented
like these two:

 roi = hailo.get_roi_from_buffer(buffer)
 detections = roi.get_objects_typed(hailo.HAILO_DETECTION)

I havent found them in tappas, havent found them in hailort and havent found them in rpi5examples. There also seems to be no real docs?

Hey @garazraz,

Welcome to the Hailo community! The API you’re seeing is actually internal - it’s only used for Tappas and examples like this one.

But no worries, the official Python API for Raspberry Pi is coming out in the next release. That’ll be the API documented in the Hailo docs, and it’ll run the Hailo code examples over at: GitHub - hailo-ai/Hailo-Application-Code-Examples

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.



Thanks, good to know its being worked on and im not missing something!


Hi @omria,

Are there any updates on the official Python API? When can we expect this to be released?


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