Hi, community, first of all, thank you for your product!
In our company, we are going to test object tracking models on RPi5, specifically – ViTT model.
We have found .onnx model from github, where there is a single .onnx file
And now, I’m trying to convert it to .HEF format to furtherly launch on RPi AI Kit.
On the very first step, I have successfully converted model to .HAR
hn, npz = runner.translate_onnx_model(
os.path.join(models_dir, models_file),
start_node_names=['template', 'search'],
end_node_names=['Transpose_76', 'Concat_34']
I have visualized network structure, but unfortunately, I cannot attach it to the post for reference.
But I’m facing issues with quantization step.
I am using the same calibration dataset, as in tutorial (DFC_2_Model_Optimization_Tutorial), with changed input dimensions to 128 (as for node input_layer_1).
However, during optimization, I am facing, that for layer const_input_1 raises an exception in const_op.py → _compute_output_shape – int object is not subscriptable, i.e., input shape in this function is a int, not an array, as expected.
Can you please point me out, what am I doing wrong?