Hi, i tried to convert onnx file trained using custom dataset, but encounter this error when im using the hailomz command:
raise NegativeSlopeExponentNonFixable(
hailo_model_optimization.acceleras.utils.acceleras_exceptions.NegativeSlopeExponentNonFixable: Quantization failed in layer yolov8s/conv42 due to unsupported required slope. Desired shift is 9.0, but op has only 8 data bits. This error raises when the data or weight range are not balanced. Mostly happens when using random calibration-set/weights, the calibration-set is not normalized properly or batch-normalization was not used during training.`Preformatted text`
During the training i noticed that the compilation doesn’t utilize the GPU which i verified using the “nvidia-smi”. Any workaround to utilize the GPU?
[info] Starting Model Optimization
[warning] Reducing optimization level to 0 (the accuracy won't be optimized and compression won't be used) because there's less data than the recommended amount (1024), and there's no available GPU