GPU Not Detected in Docker Container

After installing hailo_ai_software_suite with docker installation, my GPU is not detected with CLI command “hailo scan” as shown:

Did I miss some steps?

Please have a look at the Hailo AI SW Suite User Guide. You can find it in the Developer Zone or even easier in the shared_with_docker/doc/ directory that was created when you started the suite script for the first time.

Section 3.1.1. System requirements describes the installation of the nvidia-docker2 support.

Note: The GPU support is checked and enabled when you create a new container. So you will need to delete the one you have and create a new one. You can keep the docker image. That will speed up the creation of a new container.

View all docker container

docker ps -a

Stop container if STATUS is not “Exited”

docker container stop hailo_ai_sw_suite_2024-04_container

Remove container

docker container rm hailo_ai_sw_suite_2024-04_container

Run the script to create a new container.