Yolov8m compiled for raspberry pi 5

Hello I have bought hailo8l for my raspberry pi 5 but I tried to use Hailo Raspberry Pi 5 Examples and it is only working with pre-provided yolov8s.hef file but I want to use yolov8m.hef file, and what provided in this link, didnt get through the parsing of the model proccess:

Welcome to the Hailo Community!

Can you please describe what you have done so far?

Did you install the Hailo AI Software Suite docker on a x86 PCs?

Did you run the tutorials inside the suite?

Did you try the hailomz command line tool?

Where did you get stuck? What errors did you get?

If you just want to use the precompiled HEF file you can download that from the GitHub page. The files are in the last column.