Yolov8 and Raspberry pi 5 with Hailo

I want to perform object detection with YOLOv8 on a Raspberry Pi 5 with Hailo support, but I encountered a problem. Despite Hailo being active in the terminal, there was no change in my FPS. Where did I go wrong?

Hey @caliskanhalil815,

Welcome to the Hailo Community! We’d like to help you troubleshoot your device. Please follow these steps:

  1. First, run the following command:
hailortcli scan

This will check if your device is being recognized by the system.
2. Based on the result:

  • If the device is not recognized, please try reinstalling the driver.
  • If the device is recognized, attempt to run a model using:
hailortcli run <model.hef>
  1. If you’re still experiencing issues after these steps, we’ll need more information to assist you further. Please provide details about:
  • Any error messages you’re receiving
  • Any problems with FPS (Frames Per Second)

Don’t hesitate to reach out with the results or if you need any clarification on these steps.