Using Pi5 with Hailo8L.& new kid on the block.
I’m trying to get the rpicam-hello post processing working using :-
but it expects a config file which doesn’t exist:-
"hailopp_config_file": "/usr/share/hailo-models/yolov5seg.json"
I have spent hours web searching trying to find help on this to no avail.
I have tried to find documentation on post-processing config files to no avail.
I have tried copying the following from the zoo (as an experiment)
and renaming it.
but that throws an error :-
ERROR: *** json config file doesn't follow schema rules ***
I have been able to run the other rpicam apps and the hailo-rpi5-examples.
Could anyone point me to documentation regarding the config file or , quicker still, point me to a working config file “yolov5seg.json”.
Many thanks for any help .