Use a graphical user interface with raspi 5 and hailo 8

how I can add output (hailo-rpi5 examples) to a PyQT5 window.
I am new to the field

Hey @mAty1901,

Welcome to the Hailo Community! To integrate the detection results into a PyQt5 application, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Modify the Detection Script:
  • Ensure that your script returns the video frames with the detection results.
  1. Set Up the PyQt5 Application:
  • Create a PyQt5 application with a main window to display the images using QLabel.
  1. Integrate the Detection Output:
  • Capture the video frames.
  • Process the frames using your detection logic.
  • Update the PyQt5 window with the processed frames.

This summary should help you understand the overall process of integrating the detection results into a PyQt5 window.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I’m here to help!

Best regards

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thank you Omira for your response,
if I understood correctly I only change the function, app_callback at the level of I do not touch the GStreamer pipeline.
thanks in advance

Hello omira

Can you help me please, I haven’t been able to returns the video frames with the detection results.
