Unable to navigate to documentation on website

In a recent forum post, I was pointed to your documentation site: https://hailo.ai/developer-zone/documentation/

This is great!

BUT, I can’t figure out any way to get to that page by navigating your website. I would expect to find it from your landing page underneath “Resources”. Alternatively, it could be on a link behind “Developer Zone”. Neither of these options work, and I honestly can’t find how to get there without the deep link.

I think it would help a lot to make this documentation easier to find.
Until I was sent this deep link, I thought this documentation didn’t exist.

Yes, the documentation is only available inside the Developer Zone. You should have links from the main page at hailo.ai to the Developer Zone and after sign in to the Documentation.

Can you please confirm what device (PC, laptop, tablet, phone) you are using to view our web page?
I suspect its a specific view. On desktop I tried on different combinations of machines, OS and browsers. The page seems to be working correctly. Maybe your combo triggers a view that I miss.

It’s fixed now.

Yesterday, when I clicked on “Developer Zone”, I was taken to community.hailo.ai. Now "Developer Zone links to the hailo.ai/developer-zone.
