Can not open software downloads

Hello, the link instead of bringing me to the software downloads page, just redirects me to .

I am logged in and my email is verified, can someone please help?

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Hi @alexal123qwerty,
On which page exactly are you getting this? The link above obviously leads to the right place…

The link above does not lead to the right place; I am also being redirected to when clicking on or copying and pasting it into the address bar. The downloads link from the home page and the Software Downloads search result on Google all do the same.


i had to wait 30 minutes after activating my account before the links would work

I’ve been registered for a few hours now, and I’m still redirected to when visiting

What the … are the developers smoking?

Had to sign in from incognito mode to be able to access the downloads :roll_eyes:

Thank you I’ll handle this issue internally.
Can you provide more details? Which machine / browser / OS?