There is no supported OS for RPI5 and Tappas

Hailo supports two OS’s that do not work on the Raspberry Pi 5. Why are the choices so limited in the first place? And WHY are you requiring an OS that doesn’t exist?

This is really dumb.

Hey @jeff.singleton,

I appreciate your concern, but I believe there might be some misunderstanding about the operating systems we support. Let me clarify:

  1. For x86 platforms:

    • We support Windows
    • We support various Linux distributions
  2. For Raspberry Pi (including Raspberry Pi 5):

    • We support Linux-based operating systems
    • We support Raspberry Pi OS (formerly known as Raspbian)

We don’t require any OS that doesn’t exist or that isn’t compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5. In fact, our support for Raspberry Pi is quite broad and includes the most commonly used operating systems for this platform.

If there’s a specific operating system you’re trying to use that you believe we don’t support, please let me know. I’d be happy to provide more information or look into it further.


Please explain your Tappas user guide stating that only Ubunut 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 are supported?

The tappas is a geneal Hailo application, that we install part of it to rpi.

Please check out these examples and the guide in here for more info about RPI os support and how to use tappas in RPI

That is just example apps for the RPI5. I want the developer code as outlined on your developer documentation website. Tappas and HailoRT do not compile on Ubuntu 24.04 or Raspberry Pi OS. I tried and failed due to several errors in the code.

To get started with the Raspberry Pi, refer to this documentation for auto-installing Hailo package (TAPPAS included in sudo apt install hailo-all) and using RPI examples: Raspberry Pi 5 Setup Guide.

If you prefer to manually install TAPPAS, update to HailoRT 4.18, and use the RPI examples and Python API, please check this resource: Manual Installation and Update Guide.