I followed the tutorial at https://youtu.be/_aCyR8XJcws?t=528 and ran
source setup_env.sh
I encountered the error setup_env.sh:40: = not found
I couldn’t find any related topics in the forums. How should I resolve this issue?
abnormal situation
➜ hailo-rpi5-examples : main ᐅ source setup_env.sh
Setting up the environment...
Setting up the environment for hailo-tappas-core...
setup_env.sh:40: = not found
Environmental information
➜ hailo-rpi5-examples : main ᐅ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release: 12
Codename: bookworm
➜ hailo-rpi5-examples : main ᐅ uname -a
Linux pi5-ai 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-2712 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.31-1+rpt1 (2024-05-29) aarch64 GNU/Linux
➜ hailo-rpi5-examples : main ᐅ python --version
Python 3.11.2
➜ hailo-rpi5-examples : main ᐅ pip --version
pip 23.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.11)
➜ hailo-rpi5-examples : main ᐅ hailortcli fw-control identify
Executing on device: 0000:01:00.0
Identifying board
Control Protocol Version: 2
Firmware Version: 4.17.0 (release,app,extended context switch buffer)
Logger Version: 0
Board Name: Hailo-8
Device Architecture: HAILO8L
Serial Number: HLDDLBB241602424
Part Number: HM21LB1C2LAE
➜ hailo-rpi5-examples : main ᐅ gst-inspect-1.0 hailotools
Plugin Details:
Name hailotools
Description hailo tools plugin
Filename /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgsthailotools.so
Version 3.28.2
License unknown
Source module gst-hailo-tools
Binary package gst-hailo-tools
Origin URL https://hailo.ai/
hailoaggregator: hailoaggregator - Cascading
hailocounter: hailocounter - postprocessing element
hailocropper: hailocropper
hailoexportfile: hailoexportfile - export element
hailoexportzmq: hailoexportzmq - export element
hailofilter: hailofilter - postprocessing element
hailogallery: Hailo gallery element
hailograytonv12: hailograytonv12 - postprocessing element
hailoimportzmq: hailoimportzmq - import element
hailomuxer: Muxer pipeline merging
hailonv12togray: hailonv12togray - postprocessing element
hailonvalve: HailoNValve element
hailooverlay: hailooverlay - overlay element
hailoroundrobin: Input Round Robin element
hailostreamrouter: Hailo Stream Router
hailotileaggregator: hailotileaggregator
hailotilecropper: hailotilecropper - Tiling
hailotracker: Hailo object tracking element
18 features:
+-- 18 elements
➜ hailo-rpi5-examples : main ᐅ gst-inspect-1.0 hailo
Plugin Details:
Name hailo
Description hailo gstreamer plugin
Filename /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgsthailo.so
Version 1.0
License unknown
Source module hailo
Binary package GStreamer
Origin URL http://gstreamer.net/
hailodevicestats: hailodevicestats element
hailonet: hailonet element
synchailonet: sync hailonet element
3 features:
+-- 3 elements