Retrain Arface for Raspberry Pi 5 with AI HAT+ without GPU


I’m currently working on a project where I need a face recognition model running on a Raspberry Pi with the Hailo AI HAT+. The model should be able to recognize individual faces in real time, and I need a way to retrain or configure it to identify specific people.

I found the ArcFace model from the Hailo Model Zoo, but I don’t have access to a GPU, so I can’t train it myself.

Is there any other way to adapt or retrain the model without a GPU? Or do you have alternative suggestions for achieving this with the Hailo AI HAT+?

Thanks in advance for your help!

The Hailo accelerators are design to run inference at the edge very efficiently not training.

For training you will need a GPU. It might be possible to do training for some models on a CPU.

Can you please explain why you want to retrain? Is the current model not accurate enough? We tested this model and it is quite good. You can see a guide on adapting the model to recognize faces here: A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Face Recognition System

I’m not sure if I need retraining at all, it was only mentioned here:
hailo_model_zoo/docs/RETRAIN_ON_CUSTOM_DATASET.rst at master · hailo-ai/hailo_model_zoo · GitHub
My goal is to have a model that can run on the Raspberry Pi 5 with AI HAT+ and which recognises the face of about 6 people in a photo and where you can also add new faces later on.

Do I understand correctly that your guide allows you to insert your own photos with the faces you want to be recognised? Can this run on the Raspberry Pi?

yes, the guide shows how to start with a list of people you want to recognize and build a database of known faces (which can be extended by adding new faces). Yes, it runs on Raspberry Pi + Hailo.

Thank you @shashi ! I will try it