Raspberry Pi 5 and Hailo software

I have got a Raspberry Pi 5 and the AI Kit. My understanding is this: To create new models I have to use the AI Software on an Ubuntu computer with around 100 GB disk space and 32GB memory. This cannot be done on the Raspbery Pi 5.

My question is this: Can someone give step by step instructions (including a sample model with its name) on how to use an existing model from the Model Zoo on Raspberry Pi 5 Hailo hardware and see the results on the RPI monitor? These basic but fundamental instructions are missing from everywhere I looked on the Internet. There seems to be too many sites on AI but none of them teaching anything!

Hey @d.ibrahim

Welcome to the Hailo Community!

To help you get started, here are some useful resources:

  1. Running models on Raspberry Pi:
  1. Training your own models:

We hope these resources prove helpful as you explore Hailo’s capabilities. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Best regards


I had problems installing the DFC on Raspberry Pi 5 (Bookworm). Is it supposed to run on this OS?

The DFC is for your main pc , it does require 32GB ram and GPU to train you’re network.
So it’s not intended for RPI so it wont work.

For running models on rpi, you should install the Hailo pcie driver and HailoRT.

Thanks. Yes I do realize that, I have an Ubuntu machine with 32GB and 100GB disk.

Do you have the steps to load and run a sample pre-compiled model HEF file on Raspberry Pi using the HailoRT?

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This information is very helpful. Is there any info about how many NPU cores there are on the 8L, or how CPU/memory intensive running models with it is assuming that most operations are mapped to it?

Hi Omri Azim

I managed to run the demos at the “Github-haolo-ai/hailo-rpi5-examples” you mentioned below. But, I could not find any demos to run under the link you gave as”Github-hailo Hailo-Application-Code-Examples” Application Code Examples. How do I run them using the Hailort on RPI?

The Hailo accelerators do not have NPU cores. They have 3 types of resources (compute, memory and control). More like an FPGA. The Hailo Dataflow Compiler will map each network differently. The mapping for each layer depends on the layers requirement AND the entire network. The same layer can use different amounts of compute resources depending on what other layers need to be implemented. This way we can get the best implementation for each network making as much use of the chip as possible.

This depends on each model, the number of sources and required framerates. Each model has different requirements for the pre- and post-processing.

The Hailo Application Code Examples cover many different use cases. They are not designed to run out of the box on any platform but show you some possibilities with different frameworks and languages.

Hey @d.ibrahim

To run the application on an RPI, navigate to the runtime/cpp/ directory and refer to the README file for instructions.

For Python users, please note that our Python API support for RPI will be available with the next version release, so the examples wont run until then

Getting the following error, any idea?

Failed to install PCIe driver to the DKMS tree. Trying to install PCIe driver without DKMS

Failed. Exited with status 2. See /var/log/hailort-pcie-driver.deb.log

dpkg: error processing package hailort-pcie-driver (–configure):