Model Compilation Error in Dataflow Compiler v3.28.0


After upgrading the Dataflow compiler version from 3.27.0 to 3.28.0, I can no longer compile the model that previously worked. The device being used is Hailo-8.
At first glance, it appears to run normally up to runner.compile(), but when I execute hailo profiler on supercombo_compiled_model.har, the following error occurs.

File “/local/shared_with_docker/hailo-supercombo/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hailo_sdk_client/sdk_backend/script_parser/”, line 127, in _verify_valid_layers
raise QuantizationScriptParserException(
hailo_sdk_client.sdk_backend.sdk_backend_exceptions.QuantizationScriptParserException: line 2: layers [‘supercombo/ew_add1’, ‘supercombo/ew_add10’, ‘supercombo/ew_add11’, ‘supercombo/ew_add12’, ‘supercombo/ew_add2’, ‘supercombo/ew_add3’, ‘supercombo/ew_add4’, ‘supercombo/ew_add5’, ‘supercombo/ew_add6’, ‘supercombo/ew_add7’, ‘supercombo/ew_add8’, ‘supercombo/ew_add9’] could not be found in scope.

Additionally, when I try to perform inference, I get the error:
CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_INVALID_HEF(26).

The layers such as supercombo/ew_add1 mentioned in this error are layers that get merged into other layers and disappear during the optimization performed by the Dataflow compiler.

I have confirmed that downgrading to version 3.27.0 resolves the issue, so it seems to be a bug related to the upgrade.

Hey @koki.igari,

Regarding the Hailo_Invalid_HEF error, this is likely due to the recent upgrade. In version 3.28, the HEF has been updated, and it no longer maintains backward compatibility.

Could you please try recompiling the HEF with the new DFC and check if the first error still persists? This should help resolve the issue.

Best regards,

Thank you for replying.

I didn’t provide enough explanation.
The errors mentioned above are occurring with the hef and har files generated by the Dataflow compiler version 3.28.0.