Installation of g++9,gcc-9

i geting the error as shown below

when i run the 6th step i geting this type of log:
trinity@raspberrypi:~/tappas_v3.29.1 $ ./ --skip-hailort --target-platform rpi
No TAPPAS_WORKSPACE in environment found, using the default one /home/trinity/tappas_v3.29.1
Hailo Tappas was removed successfully.
To unset Tappas environment variables, please relogin or reboot the PC.

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

WARNING: Requirement gcc-9 not found.
WARNING: Requirement g+±9 not found.


Component Requirement Found
========== ========== ========== ==========
Apt-Package ffmpeg V Required
Apt-Package x11-utils V Required
Apt-Package python3-dev V Required
Apt-Package python3-pip V Required
Apt-Package python3-setuptools V Required
Apt-Package libgirepository V Required
Apt-Package gcc-9 X Required
Apt-Package g+±9 X Required
Apt-Package python-gi-dev V Required
Apt-Package pkg-config V Required
Apt-Package libcairo2-dev V Required
Apt-Package libgirepository1.0-dev V Required
Apt-Package libgstreamer1.0-dev V Required
Apt-Package cmake V Required
Apt-Package libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev V Required
Apt-Package libzmq3-dev V Required
Apt-Package rsync V Required
Apt-Package git V Required
Apt-Package libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-plugins-base V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-plugins-good V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-libav V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-tools V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-x V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv4 V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_imgproc V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_core V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_imgcodec V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_features2d V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_calib3d V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_flann V Required
Package Gstreamer V Required

See system_reqs_results.log for more information.
and for this i have tried with how he @bartfoolier mentioned not works. and then unziped the installed ** **moved it and then executed the as you told cmd ./ --skip-hailort --target-platform rpi still it showing same requierements and the i tried by making dir of hailort and the moved and cloned repo hailort/sources of resources but still it showing like that only:
trinity@raspberrypi:~/tappas_v3.29.1 $ ./ --skip-hailort --target-platform rpi
No TAPPAS_WORKSPACE in environment found, using the default one /home/trinity/tappas_v3.29.1
Hailo Tappas was removed successfully.
To unset Tappas environment variables, please relogin or reboot the PC.

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

WARNING: Requirement gcc-9 not found.
WARNING: Requirement g+±9 not found.


Component Requirement Found
========== ========== ========== ==========
Apt-Package ffmpeg V Required
Apt-Package x11-utils V Required
Apt-Package python3-dev V Required
Apt-Package python3-pip V Required
Apt-Package python3-setuptools V Required
Apt-Package libgirepository V Required
Apt-Package gcc-9 X Required
Apt-Package g+±9 X Required
Apt-Package python-gi-dev V Required
Apt-Package pkg-config V Required
Apt-Package libcairo2-dev V Required
Apt-Package libgirepository1.0-dev V Required
Apt-Package libgstreamer1.0-dev V Required
Apt-Package cmake V Required
Apt-Package libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev V Required
Apt-Package libzmq3-dev V Required
Apt-Package rsync V Required
Apt-Package git V Required
Apt-Package libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-plugins-base V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-plugins-good V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-libav V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-tools V Required
Apt-Package gstreamer1.0-x V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv4 V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_imgproc V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_core V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_imgcodec V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_features2d V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_calib3d V Required
Pkg_config-Package opencv_flann V Required
Package Gstreamer V Required

See system_reqs_results.log for more information.
trinity@raspberrypi:~/tappas_v3.29.1 $

@omria plz provied solution for it

try running this with
./ --skip-hailort --target-platform rpi5

1 Like

trinity@raspberrypi:~/tappas_v3.29.1 $ ./ --skip-hailort --target-platform rpi5
No TAPPAS_WORKSPACE in environment found, using the default one /home/trinity/tappas_v3.29.1
Hailo Tappas was removed successfully.
To unset Tappas environment variables, please relogin or reboot the PC.

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

HailoRT sources directory not found (/home/trinity/tappas_v3.29.1/hailort/sources), Please follow our manual installation guide
i am getting like this

I occured with same situations.

I want to refer to these comments.

After following it, I can skip the GCC 9 version check problem.

Currently, I am setting up the move. Let’s see if it’s okay to do that.

File “/usr/lib/python3.11/”, line 155, in exit
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
File “/home/jskang/Downloads/tappas_v3.29.1/hailo_tappas_venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/”, line 443, in _error_catcher
raise ReadTimeoutError(self._pool, None, “Read timed out.”)
pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Read timed out.

Currently, I am facing these errors.
It seems like a server overload, which may cause everyone to try to connect.
I will try it tomorrow and send some replies.
Thank you.,

Hey @happistday

I am updating the Guide to fix this issue.
its already in the documentations in here

If I run this with argument rpi5, the following error occurs: error: argument platform: invalid Platform value: ‘rpi5’


Steps to install tappas on rpi5(Recommend only for custom development of plugins, postprocess, libs)

  1. Download Tappas Linux Installer from developer zone
  2. Unzip
  3. Create hailort directory and download hailort sources
cd `tappas_VERSION`
mkdir hailort
git clone hailort/sources
  1. Install all required dependencies of tappas See here(tappas/docs/installation/manual-install.rst at master · hailo-ai/tappas · GitHub)
  2. Run this command to build the core
./ --skip-hailort --target-platform rpi5 --core-only

You will be asked to install dependencies if any missing.

NOTE: you can not build all tappas apps because it’s I think not compatible. This will be helpful only if you are building custom postprocess, plugins, etc
 which is inside core directory.

I used tappas to build post-process and a gstreamer custom plugin for my use case.

In case you want to run just inference on rpi5. you can install hailo-rpi5-examples.

Building Custom Post Process
In case you want to build your own post-process there is simple way with just using hailo-rpi5-examples.

You can follow the pattern of the files and build your own post process.

and once done you can run the script. This will create a .so library file.