HowTo TAPPAS on RP5 (Debian12) w/o GCC-9

Hello everyone.

After some fiddling i was able to install TAPPAS 3.29 on my RP5 with Debian 12 Bookworm.

I’m not talking about RP5 with Ubuntu ARM64!

  1. also check the manual installation DOC for required packages, like FFMPeg, GStreamer etc.
  2. instead of GCC-9 install GCC-12 (which should be the default version)
  3. Download and UNZIP
  4. cd into the new directory
  5. as stated in the manual installation, you need HailoRT source
git clone hailort/sources
  1. create ‘/etc/lsb-release’ file with this content:
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
  1. create a matching PIP requirements file for v12.0 (just copy it)
cp ./tools/run_app/requirements_22_04.txt ./tools/run_app/requirements_12_0.txt
  1. install TAPPAS with
GCC_VERSION=12 ./ --skip-hailort
  1. GL HF

I hope this can help some ppl asking about GCC-9 problems.


Step 10: if you get “Error opening file XYZ.hef” start the download script again with python downloader/ rpi