I want to make the clusters based on multiple Hailo devices using ETHERNET

Dear community members,

Are there any ways to make a cluster based on Ethernet serial communications for hailo devices?

What I want to implement is connecting multiple Hailo devices in the same network using Ethernet and creating controls for parallel model processing.

For example:
master - multiple workers

The goal is that when we identify the firmware controls in the master node (i.e. hailortcli fw-control identify), I want to show how many devices are connected in this local network.

If you have any ideas or documents for this work, please share them with me.

Thank you for reading. and have a nice day.

Jusung Kang.

We no longer support Ethernet for Hailo-8 for new designs. It does not provide enough bandwidth and has other issues.

The Hailo-8 is connected via PCIe to a host and HailoRT supports having multiple devices in your system.

There are several options for integrating multiple Hailo-8 devices into systems such as the Hailo-8 Century PCIe cards.

Hailo-8 Century high-performance PCIe card

Thank you for your comments.

Even so, is there any way to test the system connected via Ethernet serial communication?

Actually, my application for the system is simple (targeting for operation in hailo8l), so it can be handled based on the bandwidth of the Ethernet.

If you have any related documents, please let me know.

Hailo-8 M.2 modules do not have Ethernet. It was available on an evaluation board a long time ago.

Yes, that’s correct.

More precisely, I have a few Hailo devices connected to Raspberry Pi evaluation boards.

What I want to do is control all the Hailo devices connected to each worker Raspberry Pi board via an Ethernet-based system.

Currently, I have successfully received the calculation results from the workers via the rasp. pi clustering system, but I cannot directly access the Hailo devices on the workers.

That’s why I am asking if there is any way to directly access the Hailo devices on the workers from the master.

Thank you for reading.


The Hailo devices are controlled by the HailoRT APIs. HailoRT itself is running on the host. If you want to control them from another system you will need to implement an application that will do that for you.

Thank you for the comments.

After, I will try it to implement on my way,

Hopefully, I will let you know the results.

Thank you for reading.
