Hand Landmark Detection: Missing Post-Processing (.so) File for Hailo8L

Dear Community,

I am new to Hailo (and AI in general), exploring the Hailo8L on RPi 5. I’ve successfully installed and run the basic pipelines in the hailo-rpi5-examples repo. Now similar to pose estimation, I am trying to implement hand landmark detection.

I’ve found a compiled hand_landmark_lite.hef file for Hailo8L in the model zoo. However, I’m unsure about the appropriate post-processing file to use. Specifically, I need to modify this line:
“self.default_postprocess_so = os.path.join(self.postprocess_dir, ‘libyolov8pose_post.so’)”

In my /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/hailo/tappas/post-process folder I find the following .so files, which includes facial landmarks but not for hand landmarks:
libocr_post.so, libcenterpose_post.so, libperson_attributes_post.so, libclassification.so, libre_id.so, libdebug.so, libscrfd_post.so, libdepth_estimation.so, libsemantic_segmentation.so, libface_attributes_post.so, libstream_id_tool.so, libface_detection_post.so, libyolo_hailortpp_post.so, libface_recognition_post.so, libyolo_post.so, libfacial_landmarks_post.so, libyolov5seg_post.so, libmobilenet_ssd_post.so, libyolov8pose_post.so, libmspn_post.so, libnanodet_post.so

My questions are:

  1. Is there an existing post-processing file I can use for hand landmark detection?
  2. If not, could you guide me through the steps to create this file using the existing .hef file?

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi @vivian,
Glad to see you on our developer forum!
Unfortunately, we have not been able to create an application for each an every network from the model zoo. This is the reason that not all the networks has the corresponding post-processing library integrated into TAPPAS.
That said, we have a comprehensive guide about adding new post-processing to TAPPAS. Althought it demends more work, it’s also much more rewarding having you own post-processing running:)
Feel free to take a look here:
tappas/docs/write_your_own_application/write-your-own-postprocess.rst at master · hailo-ai/tappas (github.com)

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@Nadav I understand. Thanks for the link, sure will try it out.